The AM for Every Vehicle Fraud

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  • Uncovering the lies the NAB and politicians are spreading about AM.
  • The bullying tactics being used to force automakers to keep AM in cars that likely will backfire.
  • How auto manufacturers are playing with the NAB – their real radio plans revealed.
  • Tricks consolidators are using that hurt AM’s chances to remain as standard equipment in the dash.

Publishing note:  With July 4th in the middle of the week, most music and media execs are taking all or the majority of this week off – have a safe and happy Fourth and we’ll see you next week.

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Mysterious Audacy Bankruptcy Promotion

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  • Why a multi-year extension, huge pay raise and shiny new title to this particular programmer?
  • Did Soros Management Fund sign off on this since they don’t officially have a stake in the company.
  • The Audacy trend of promoting people who are not in danger of leaving.
  • The political capital David Field is gambling on 6-weeks before new investors get to make decisions.

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Radio Yard Sale

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  • The 7 radio owners most likely to sell stations in spite of what they say publicly.
  • 4 of the 7 are not currently on anyone’s list – but that may soon change.
  • The pros and cons outlined for cherry picking each of these groups.
  • Cumulus turned down almost $20 a share and now they’re worth a little more than a dollar – why they refuse to sell.

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Music Declares War on AI

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  • What about fake AI artists on radio – what are the repercussions.
  • The war you want to avoid between the record labels and growing number of AI bots that train their models on content without compensation.
  • Listen to all-AI radio stations and formats that are legal.
  • What’s next after anticipated years of litigation ahead.

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A Big Lie Could Upend Audacy’s Post-Bankruptcy

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  • David Field’s cheapness is arguably why the CBS merger failed – how it’s now threatening the outcome of their lifeline bankruptcy.
  • And the prospect of even more budget cuts than Soros had planned.
  • Documented evidence that Audacy lied about legitimate expenses.
  • Audacy’s chutzpah:  Seeking to get reimbursed for back lawyers’ fees and other expenses for negotiating in bad faith.
  • How resolving it could eat into the $50 million Audacy told the bankruptcy court that it needs for operations when it emerges.

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Audacy’s Fall Firings

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  • What to expect for day one of new ownership – August 18th
  • The new approach to cutting costs at Audacy.
  • The first job category to get trimmed and the last.
  • The closest thing to job security at Audacy (at least for now) is this position – no question.
  • The difference if Field stays or if he goes.

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Cox Layoffs, Really?

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  • Why does the same company that recently offered Paramount $26 billion have to suddenly fire radio staff making less than $100,000 a year.
  • Look who is breathing down their necks now and forcing their hand.
  • Does this cost cutting affect the status of that Cox-Audacy rollup?
  • With mounting debt, is selling even an option?

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Saga Slipping

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  • Why radio’s most expensive stock and only company with no debt is signaling trouble ahead.
  • What they are going to do about it.
  • How did the radio group with the highest stock price start declining.

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Digital Switch-Pitch Killing Spot Sales

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  • Why radio groups are training their sellers to sell digital even when advertisers only want spot – believe it or not, there’s an explanation for this.
  • A startling story of a happy radio advertiser who was spurned by a top radio group that would only talk about selling digital.
  • “It’s almost impossible to talk about radio advertising” – an actual case study that is representative of radio’s own move away from radio.
  • How the 3 biggest groups handle the radio/digital issue.

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The Big “Make-Me-An-Offer” Market for Sale

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  • The big city multi-market cluster for sale at “make-me-an-offer” prices.
  • How radio groups are finding buyers in a market where few exist.
  • The method they use for raising quick cash to avoid default.
  • So why hasn’t Cumulus been willing to sell standalone KABC-AM?
  • Stations with sports rights contracts appear off limits – here are the easier ones to sell.

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Car Radio’s Future

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  • The big changes that haven’t happened yet.
  • Putting a stop to pushing radio out of cars.
  • How automakers are reevaluating FM.
  • Why pressuring manufacturers is backfiring.

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Audacy Weaponizing Bankruptcy

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  • How they are becoming tax deadbeats.
  • Tactics being used to bully creditors.
  • A pathetic 9-minute audio clip that shows how low Audacy is willing to go to burn anyone in the way of their bankruptcy.

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How Tower Operators Fleeced Radio

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  • How they made out compared to radio groups
  • The group that blatantly refers to its tower deal on their balance sheet as “financial liability” – their words.
  • How the tower fire sale specifically affected iHeart, Audacy, Cumulus, Townsquare, Beasley and Cox.
  • The group most likely to go under first under the weight of a bad tower sale.

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Record Selloff of iHeart Stock

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  • What triggered the biggest one-day selloff of iHeart stock since it started trading on the Nasdaq.
  • How it affects a potentially interested buyer.
  • Why the market is suddenly souring on iHeart’s future.

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Audacy Refusing to Pay Millions in Back Taxes

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  • How this revelation might affect FCC’s approval to emerge from bankruptcy.
  • What Audacy is claiming about their longtime suburban Philly headquarters.
  • The effect on their balance sheet if they are ordered to pay up.
  • Repercussions if this claim is allowed to play out in Pennsylvania courts.

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