Pandora’s Buyer

INSIDE . . .

  1. What about those SiriusXM rumors?
  2. Which radio company might like to take a run at owning Pandora?
  3. How about this media company, which wants to reduce their dependence on advertising for paid subscriptions?
  4. The down low on what competitors think about taking Pandora out.
  5. Why an alliance of entertainment companies could make sense --- like this one.

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iHeart Testing a Way to Get 100% of Local Ad Buys

INSIDE . . .

  1. Sales tactics so desperate that no other radio group would dare do them – details.
  2. Can you say Tom McConnell?
  3. What buyers have to give iHeart to get this payoff.
  4. Which types of category clients are being bribed to spend only with iHeart.
  5. Why competitors can’t match McConnell’s tactics.
  6. Early warning if iHeart is your competitor – you already know they fight for the entire spend, now prepare for this.

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McVay’s Replacement Is In The House

INSIDE . . .

  1. Who are the several candidates to replace McVay – but put your money on this one.
  2. Why McVay’s ouster could lead to happy local program directors and this narrow opportunity to fix programming.
  3. Why market managers will be getting more power – details inside.
  4. What is making Mary set up the biggest management change since she took over from Lew Dickey almost a year ago – and what it means.
  5. What about Westwood Gone, I mean, Westwood One.  How does the programming change ahead affect the company that is killing Cumulus financials?
  6. What they’re paying McVay – at least for now – so you can do the math.

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Who Almost Bought CBS Radio — And Still Might

INSIDE . . .

  1. Sit down, remove sharp objects – look who is trying hardest to buy CBS Radio in a cockamamie, convoluted sale guaranteed to screw one of America’s best radio groups.
  2. Hint: lead buyer cherry picks the best and two bottom feeders get sloppy seconds.
  3. The two sensational schemes to unload CBS Radio that have reportedly been secretly negotiated unsuccessfully to date but still percolating.
  4. Plan B details.
  5. How about this deal where multiple buyers actually don’t compete with each other. And it’s still legal! Here’s what THAT looks like.

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Coming Next: iHeart “Super Clusters”

INSIDE . . .

  1. Bob Pittman avoided default in a court victory yesterday so what happens now to iHeartMedia and their employees.
  2. What about iHeart’s $20.9 billion debt.
  3. Coming next: “Super Clusters” – Be afraid, be very afraid.
  4. What likely happens to the surviving managers and employees of the current merging of major markets with their nearby regionals.
  5. Why iHeart is now emboldened to take down long serving employees.

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How Radio Can Compete With Twitter

INSIDE . . .

  1. Why radio isn’t doomed – it just refuses to innovate. Well, here are some ideas you’ll want to see before competitors do.
  2. The fatal mistake cable news is making – radio is making the same mistake.
  3. 5 ways to do Twitter on radio.
  4. And, monetize it at a higher rate than your highest published spot.
  5. How to produce Twitter News every half hour to rake in the audience and income.

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Another iHeart Default Is Coming

INSIDE . . .

  1. Not one but three creditors that would rather force iHeart into default than believe their promises.
  2. Why iHeart employees should be looking for other work or changing careers – the evidence mounts.
  3. What’s iHeart’s problem with IT and engineers?
  4. Why this is the absolute worst time to be dragged into default.
  5. Employees should know --- how iHeart is planning to collapse the company

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Counterprogramming Facebook’s New Morning Radio Show

INSIDE . . .

  • How to prevent Facebook from wrecking the dominance of your morning show – details.
  • What kind of content to focus on and not.
  • What’s the one thing that audiences must have from a radio show – no, it’s not traffic, transit or weather.
  • Should your Facebook killer be pieces of your radio morning show or not?
  • How to monetize it.
  • The biggest mistake to avoid or the entire feed dies from day one.
  • How to produce and distribute it.

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iHeart On Immediate Bankruptcy Alert

INSIDE . . .

  1. Why is iHeart flirting with legal danger during negotiations with 15 angry creditors looking to bring the company down if they don’t get made whole.
  2. Is Bob Pittman trying to deliberately bankrupt iHeart by not returning their investments he put in a shell company – the evidence.
  3. How a bad outcome in the next few days or weeks can trigger an instant bankruptcy.
  4. Who gets fired first and how it will happen.
  5. What about contracts, severance agreements and retirement commitments.
  6. Once and for all – would court ordered layoffs follow.

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SiriusXM In Big Trouble

INSIDE . . .

  1. How can a company that just posted an 11% quarterly revenue increase be in big trouble?
  2. Six things that ought to scare the living hell out of investors.
  3. The subscription price sham – who pays full price?
  4. The content wars going on behind the scenes that will affect the product.
  5. The key to Millennials that they must have but so far can’t figure out.

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Talk to Jerry privately here.

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CBS Radio Spin-off Ready To Launch

INSIDE . . .

  • When the bomb is ready to drop.
  • 7 shocking changes coming to CBS Radio AFTER the spin-off.
  • The future of current president Andre Fernandez.
  • The over/under on a return of Dan Mason.
  • Will they keep all the current stations or sell some – if you’re an employee, you may want to know this.
  • The one format the spun-off version of CBS will want to unload as soon as possible.

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Talk to Jerry privately here.

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Trouble Ahead For Cumulus Regional Execs

INSIDE . . .

  • Why regionals are working against CEO Mary Berner’s well orchestrated turnaround plan.
  • The allegedly worst of a sorry lot of Cumulus regional execs – you be the judge when I reveal his name.
  • What high profile Cumulus exec would also like to see inept Cumulus regional managers be replaced but is sucking up to them privately.
  • The chances of Berner responding to her employees’ wishes and making some major changes to problematic Cumulus regional execs.
  • More publishing execs to the rescue? Or some new job openings for qualified radio people?

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Ugly Ways iHeart Is Strong-Arming Employees To Stay

INSIDE . . .

  • How they’re redefining the phrase “right to match”.
  • The most brutal rebuke of iHeart you have ever heard from someone still employed by the Evil Empire – and we quote it.
  • Warning: how iHeart’s brass knuckles negotiating tactics involve even more draconian measures – specific examples here.
  • New ways to get screwed on severance, non-competes, right to match offers and working conditions – sit down because this is even over the top for iHeart.
  • Threats to “dig ditches” for spite.
  • How nasty is iHeart now willing to get with employees.
  • iHeart: you can’t quit until we fire you.

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Condé Nast In, McVay On a Banana Peel at Cumulus

INSIDE . . .

  • First look at CEO Mary Berner’s executive hiring plans.
  • Who needs to worry and who is safe.
  • How Mary was stuck with Mike McVay when she agreed to take the job – and what she’s planning to do about it.
  • Why Cumulus regional managers should be afraid – very afraid.
  • Why Westwood One is key to any Cumulus turnaround.
  • Poor Pierre Bouvard – this really sucks.
  • What about the claim that programming decisions will be made by local markets?

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iHeart Broke But Spending Like It’s 1999

INSIDE . . .

  • No money left to employ people – why they found some to spend on pet projects like these.
  • Where iHeart is investing money they don’t have.
  • But why?  What are they up to?
  • What renovations iHeart is making that they likely won’t be around to see.
  • What iHeart has been doing lately to cut jobs under their new CIO.
  • What’s behind long-term spending and “new roadmaps” that they are telling their employees.

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Stay of Execution for Cumulus

INSIDE . . .

  • CEO Mary Berner’s slight of hand to make Cumulus look like it doesn’t need a bankruptcy judge.
  • When Cumulus is likely to file Chapter 11.
  • What happens to contracts and pensions.
  • The only Cumulus employees who can survive a bankruptcy judge’s knife – if this is you, you’re golden.
  • Why Mary Berner isn’t replacing Lew Dickey programming or people.
  • The question Cumulus employees want to know: Is Mary going to start firing toxic regional managers appointed by Lew Dickey who are killing the company.

Read the full article now.

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iHeart Teasing More Acquisitions

INSIDE . . .

  • No kidding, why would a radio group heading for bankruptcy be speculating out loud about buying more of what they can’t currently run.
  • What’s up with that?
  • iHeart’s game plan for buying more properties.
  • Which radio group would be the likely victim of any iHeart acquisition – consider this an early warning to employees of those poor companies.
  • Will iHeart also sell some existing stations.
  • Does this talk mean bankruptcy is no longer an option.

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5 Predictions About the Future of Cumulus

INSIDE . . .

  • Hint: it has to do with regional managers and it’s a big deal.
  • About the future of their local sales operation.
  • About the one thing that is holding back a real revenue turnaround (and it’s not ratings, digital or a lukewarm demand).
  • A look ahead at what’s in store for the way Cumulus programs in big and small markets.
  • And a giant prediction about layoffs in light of how Mary handled that when she ran Reader’s Digest.

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Talk to Jerry privately here.

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So Profitable iHeart Will Start Firing Again

INSIDE . . .

  • How could this be – they report unbelievable numbers but prepare to dump more personnel.
  • Which type of job will take the biggest hit.
  • Are other positions layoff targets this time around.
  • How the cuts will be determined (i.e., who decides who goes and who stays).
  • The best estimate for when these changes and resulting layoffs will happen.

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Talk to Jerry privately here.

See a complete list of my previous stories here

The CBS Radio Spin-off Now

INSIDE . . .

  • What the radio group formerly known as CBS Radio will look like now.
  • How long before they split off CBS Radio from CBS Corporation.
  • What happens to Radio President Andre Fernandez who was brought in to sell the radio group.
  • What about the rumors of CBS Radio as a digital play.
  • How the standalone CBS will do in a declining radio industry – what’s the plan.
  • What will they do with the newsman who is currently in charge of operations.
  • Will CBS actually start buying stations now as some have predicted.
  • Everything they’re leading you to believe about the spin-off of the radio division is bullshit until now.

Read the full article now.

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Talk to Jerry privately here.

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The REAL Reason Entercom Revenue Is Up

INSIDE . . .

  • Something happened that Entercom dare not talk about publicly that spiked their first quarter billing – here it is.
  • Their secret weapon – and it’s not concerts, not circuses – WHAT?
  • What are the headwinds ahead.
  • Was it digital that put them over the top.
  • What does the 6% revenue growth say about an upturn for radio.

Read the full article now.

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Talk to Jerry privately here.

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iHeart Prepares to Shake-Up Account Execs

INSIDE . . .

  • Why iHeart account execs should prepare now for Bob Pittman’s plan to shake-up sales.
  • The sales strategy he plans to implement.
  • When does it roll out.
  • What the next iteration of Less is More looks like.
  • How taking less money for spots will add up to more revenue – Pittman’s math.
  • The prognosis for iHeart account executives once this shake-up is implemented.
  • Why competitors in three major groups should be afraid – very afraid – of what’s about to go down at iHeart sales.

Read the full article now.

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Talk to Jerry privately here.

See a complete list of my previous stories here