Inside the Media Solutions Lab

$200 Preregistration Discount -- Some seats have been designated for a $200 discount while they last in the "preregistration category" category until they are sold (includes registration, breakfast, lunch and breaks). Register now to claim the $200 discount seats. Lock it in here.

Happy New Year to all of my readers with the wish and hope that you will be able to take advantage of the many major changes that are coming in the new year.

Many of you have asked me to say more about my upcoming Media Solutions Lab&hellip

Inside the Media Solutions Lab

Today is the FINAL DAY to save $300 off the registration price for my January 28th Media Solutions Lab. Lock it in here.

Happy New Year to all of my readers with the wish and hope that you will be able to take advantage of the many major changes that are coming in the new year.

Many of you have asked me to say more about my upcoming Media Solutions Lab at the Westin Kierland in Scottsdale, January 28th -- where we will spend an entire day focusing on these challenges and opportunities.

You already know that my Media Lab is&hellip

What George Michael Could Teach Lew Dickey

George Michael died Christmas eve.

The dynamo who was a top-rated teen dj at WFIL, Philadelphia and WABC, New York also made a big name for himself as sports anchor at WRC-TV in Washington. George is credited with developing the News Center sports format that would become ESPN.

Those of you who know him do not need an introduction.

For anyone who did not, I am paying him the highest compliment by saying that no matter how good he was as an entertainer and sportscaster, he was even better at being a human being.

I worked at WFIL the day George Michael arrived in The City of Brotherly Love. Mike Joseph, the&hellip

The Brand New Citadel

It is truly fitting that Citadel Media filed for bankruptcy on a Sunday -- yesterday -- when the stock market was closed and people were either obsessed with the blizzard on the east coast or football.

Many of my readers have been writing over the weekend to find out more details on what the future of Citadel Media looks like so I'd like to give you a glimpse of the post-bankruptcy Citadel.

But first, keep in mind that in spite of what you may read in the next few days, this is a done deal.

As one source whose background is radio and the financial world reminds us, "It

Cox Radioǃ

Bob Neil, President and CEO of Cox Radio has been changing the sales structure of his radio group for about the past 12 months in an attempt to respond to changing times.

Most recently, the final piece of the puzzle was completed at the Atlanta cluster.

The revised sales strategy is significant and I thought you

How to Get 35% More Radio Audience and Go Broke

Last week, Inside Radio reported that researcher John Snyder presented a new study at the Arbitron Fly-In that supposedly is everything you need to know about spot placement in a People Meter world.


Cumulus Invents Hifiring

From the radio group that brought you sales meetings with spy cameras comes the latest innovation in Harvard educated CEO Lew Dickey's arsenal of weapons.

It is called Hifiring.

That's the art of hiring people at the very same time the company fires an equal or greater number of employees.


The Vanishing Car Radio

Broadcasters should be concerned about the changes ahead next year in what used to be called the car radio.

Today, it

Farid Suleman’s Immaculate Deception

Late yesterday afternoon The Wall Street Journal reported what you and I already knew which was Citadel CEO Farid "Fagreed" Suleman is preparing to file for bankruptcy by the end of the year.

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays -- now that The Journal reported it, it must be true.

Even as you read this Citadel is seeking lender approval of a prearranged Chapter 11 bankruptcy.

TV Is Acting Like Radio

I like Jay Leno.

But Jay Leno stripped at 10 pm is bombing.

Local NBC affiliates are taking the hit with Leno as their late news lead-in and when you lose audience at bedtime, the TV station is not on your channel for the lucrative morning news and fluff shows that permeate television.

Television is acting like radio.

In the past 13 years of consolidation the good and solid programs, formats and personalities that audiences and advertisers loved have given way to Repeater Radio, networked shows to save money and God-awful voice tracking that may sound live but isn

When Hiring Local Costs Radio Jobs

CBS Radio President Dan Mason had to spend some money to hire TV personality and former radio dj Carson Daly to do morning drive at KAMP in Los Angeles.

Amp -- a newer version of Clear Channel's CHR market leader KIIS.  Kiss will now pit Daly against Kiss Ryan Seacrest the first week in January.

It's good.  It's local.

But wait.

Citadel With a Noose Around Its Neck

Citadel CEO Farid Suleman is as arrogant as ever!  He did an interview with Inside Radio that was published Monday and admitted making no mistakes. It's the economy -- not him.

And while Farid said every option was on the table regarding their debt payment that Citadel is coming up empty on January 15th, he referred to the bankruptcy option as the word.


While the radio industry is doing everything it can to turn its stations into iPods, Apple

The Sellout of the Radio Industry

When Terry Gross interviewed Joshua Kosman, author of "The Buyout of America: How Private Equity Will Cause the Next Great Credit Crisis" on NPR

Reinventing Radio

One of the reasons my January Media Solutions Lab seminar is going to delve into reinventing radio is because simply turning back the hands of time (as Tyrone Davis would have us do) will no longer work.


Clear Channelǃ

The first quarter sales package has arrived at Clear Channel

Radio’s Untold Bankruptcy

Did you see over the weekend that Jay Leno is losing his audience not to other television networks but to