The Anti-Dickey

First CEO Jeff Smulyan gives $250-$1,000 bonuses to all Emmis employees and now another radio company comes forward and is offering to hire more than 10 employees who were fired just this week.

How the company doing the firing is reportedly scurrying to get their fired employees to sign non-competes to keep them from taking these lifeline jobs.  How sincere is this unprecedented move to hire so many fired competing workers.   Do they get their same jobs at the new company?  Do they get the same pay?  All the details on the deal.  How the Anti-Dickey is actually calling each employee to extend the offer.  This story is going to make you feel good and be proud.

Join our study group.  It’s 27 cents a day.  Monthly or yearly option plans.  Access over 1,700 other resources like this in our archive.

The Emmis Pay Raises

Emmis awarded bonuses to every full and part-time employee after they lowered they debt by $80 million by selling a Los Angeles FM station.  But if you don’t work for Emmis or one of the 5 good radio employers, here’s how you can protect yourself, your career and your family without a kind owner.

The best and only good indication of when it is time to leave your position and move on.  How to respond when your company fires a well-respected associate (do this and they’ll stop firing people).  The best use of your time to overcome a bad radio employer.  Where is the best place for a radio person to look for a career that will be even more rewarding in the years ahead.

Join our study group.  It’s 27 cents a day.  Monthly or yearly option plans.  Access over 1,700 other resources like this in our archive.

Digital For Free But Reported As Revenue

Clear Channel has been caught automatically switching ad money from advertisers specifically requesting radio and redirecting a percentage of the buy to digital thus devaluing radio and falsely boosting digital.

Where it’s being done.  How the auto switch to digital works.  The way they get away with it (legally).  How Clear Channel hopes that radio advertisers won’t notice.  The actual percentage of radio budget automatically switched to digital if the client doesn’t notice.  What type of content passes as digital.  How Clear Channel even does this to clients who owe them money.  And, the commission rates for auto switching to digital ads.

Join our study group.  It’s 27 cents a day.  Monthly or yearly option plans.  Access over 1,700 other resources like this in our archive.

The Class of 2016

Master your knowledge of the Class of 2016 and you’ll own them for decades.

How they hold the key to digital media.  The chances of winning them back to radio.  How they’ve also bolted from television and why this is good for you. The ways around their attention deficit.  Their hot buttons – the things they care about most.  5 things you can do right now that will have you up to speed by the time the Class of 2016 graduates.

Join our study group.  It’s 27 cents a day.  Monthly or yearly option plans.  Access over 1,600 other resources like this in our archive.

The End of Clear Channel As We Know It

The departure of Tom Owens from Clear Channel research and programming has great significance to anyone who wants to see the future of Clear Channel and the future of radio.

How many original Jacor execs and top 50 market managers are left in the brain drain that evolved over the past ten years.  I’ll name them.  With Owens out of the way, the new Clear Channel programming plan can be implemented and many more local programming jobs can now be eliminated.  The latest estimate of layoffs I am hearing and when.  What Clear Channel will look and sound like within 6 months.  The questionable practices you’ll likely see.  And what Clear Channel is hot to target next in the name of efficiency.  Be the first to imagine Platform Radio.

Join our study group.  It’s 27 cents a day.  Monthly or yearly option plans.  Access over 1,600 other resources like this in our archive.

How to Work for a Radio Jerk

Today I’m going to answer the question I’ve been hearing a lot lately – how can I work for the jerks that are ruining the radio business. 

If you’ve thought of quitting, wait long enough to read this.

And if you think all the pain and suffering of working for people who don’t trust you and don’t care about you is for naught, help has arrived.

So don’t quit -- yet.

1.  The line you should memorize and say in the car on the way to work every day that will fundamentally change your attitude about working for incompetents.

2.  How would Dale Carnegie tell you to deal with, say, Lew Dickey, John Hogan or their minions?  I’ll tell you.

3.  An outstanding mantra that when repeated several times a day can make a bad situation better – maybe even more tolerable.  Doubt me?  Try it for a week and see.

4.  The most important thing to do when corporate tries to shut off your brain and make you do stupid things (like being ordered to play the same song on the top of each hour or force you to sell to local prospects they identify from thousands of miles away). 

5.  How to deal with being fired or demoted.  This is more than worth the 27 cents you’ll pay for today’s piece.  And I’ll bet you’ll send me an email to thank me for sharing it. 

6.  How to balance your need to support your family with the growing inability to handle the stress of working for jerks.

One of the benefits of membership is that you get ideas like this to take you to the next level.

If you would like to read this story, have access to my entire archive (over 1,600 pieces) and get daily email delivery, click “read more” for your choices. 

Radio’s Answer To Apple’s Ad Skipping

Apple is actually doing radio a favor by winning a patent on commercial-blocking technology for radio and other content.

I’ve already got a great workaround for radio.  How to deal with the inevitable ability of mobile devices to block unwanted content.  How to come up with a digital strategy that cannot be blocked out by this or other technology.  The blueprint you should follow today to avoid future commercial ad blocking.  And the best way to lure a mobile listener into what could be a groundbreaking new way to co-exist with the arrival of anti-advertising technology.

Join our study group.  It’s 27 cents a day for unique intelligence like this.  Monthly or yearly option plans.  And access 1,600 other articles like this in our archive.

Quit Radio, Start This

This morning I’ve got something very different for you.

If you’ve ever thought of quitting radio (or maybe you’ve been laid off), I’ve got 5 great ideas for new digital businesses that cost little or no money to start.

And they are perfect for radio talent, managers, program directors and sellers.

I was preparing some of this for my January 30-31 digital media conference in Scottsdale but I just can’t wait to share them. 

So quit radio, start this.

1.  The video project I would do that can’t miss.  Benefit:  income from day one.

2.  Make money from being an aggregator of content.  No investment necessary.  Just the foresight to jump on it now.

3.  A business that you can own and operate now that allows you to keep fans you may already have from radio.  I’ll tell you the service I like best so you can get started.  And it’s even free.

4.  Remember those closed social networks I always tell you about?  Here’s how to start one for nothing.  They are the future.

5.  My favorite way to build digital cash flow out of the box.  If you use only one of these ideas, make it this one.

One of the benefits of membership is that you get ideas like this to help take you to the next level.

If you would like to read this story, have access to my entire archive (over 1,600 pieces) and get daily email delivery, click “read more” for your choices. 

The KLOS Abortion

The great KLOS, Los Angeles is melting down.

Mark & Brian are gone. 

The duo Cumulus fired in LA a year ago, Heidi and Frank, are back at a bargain basement price.

Sales are down.

Programming is in free fall.

Ratings were off even before Mark & Brian left.

What’s going on?

A special report begins here – now.

If you would like to read this story, have access to my entire archive (over 1,600 pieces) and get daily email delivery, click “read more” for your choices. 

The Unintended Consequences of AM Moving to FM

Wait until you see the latest report card on AM formats moving to FM.

Owners have been switching and comboing AM formats at a record pace over the last year and now we can draw some conclusions.

If you are a subscriber, thank you for joining our group.  Just click through and unlock the content.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

1.  Which one format does fairly well when it combos an AM on an FM. 

2.  Which format strikes out almost every time when its AM version is also simulcast on FM.

3.  When to forget switching to FM – believe it or not these formats just do better on AM.

4.  How could KGO, San Francisco be saved.

5.  Will the AM to FM trend continue.

The answers start here.

If you would like to read this story, have access to my entire archive (over 1,600 pieces) and get daily email delivery, click “read more” for your choices. 

Join our Witness Protection Program:  the smartest, safest newstip network – 100% anonymity guaranteed – talk to me confidentially here: NewsTip Hotline

Connect with me on Twitter & Facebook – I share what I’m hearing all day. 

My Annual Generational Media Report

I’m back from my annual pilgrimage to Mecca – for me, that’s the Jersey shore.

And, did I return with some observations and thoughts about why traditional media companies are so disconnected from how consumers actually live.

Here’s what I’m vowing to think about.

If you are a subscriber, thank you for joining our group.  Just click through and unlock the content.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

1.  There is a major change away from radio for entertainment and information – and it’s all around us.  Best not to ignore it.

2.  The king of the beach?  iPhones, iPads, Kindles, radios?  You may be surprised.

3.  What’s the latest new use for smartphones?  No, not to swat greenhead flies.  I think you’ll be fascinated if not blown away by how ordinary consumers have found yet another critical use for their cell phones.

4.  How cool mobile devices on a hot beach reveal a major problem for traditional media.  And, a few solutions.

5.  Newspapers are still dead, right?

6.  And Jeff Smulyan is not wasting his time trying to get manufacturers to put FM chips into cell phones, is he? 

7.  How a bikini clad gal untied the strings to her top to sun her back with the help of – as amazing as it may seem – her iPhone.  The sacrifices I make to observe the trends for you!

8.  Seriously, I’m thinking about how our audiences are changing.  You will, too.

The answers start here.

If you would like to read this story, have access to my entire archive (over 1,600 pieces) and get daily email delivery, click “read more” for your choices. 

Contact me privately in our Witness Protection Program:  NewsTip Hotline

I am on Twitter & Facebook all day sharing what I hear.  Let’s converse.

Registration for my next media conference starts soon.  Please save January 30-31. 

The Post Labor Day Layoffs

Layoffs and cutbacks are not just a Cumulus or Clear Channel thing anymore.

Radio is hurting so when the going gets tough radio companies start firing again.

Except this time – and after Labor Day – even the better companies are feeling the pressure to cut and layoff. 

I’ve had pretty good instincts about radio layoffs these past couple of years so here is my current rundown of what I think is in store for 7 top radio groups plus independents.

If you are a subscriber, thank you for joining our group.  Just click through and unlock the content.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

1.  If you work for these two radio groups, you’re likely very safe through the New Year.

2.  You’re on the endangered list if you work for several others I’ll identify – beware!

3.  There is a new kind of “hamburger helper” in the pipeline that will allow three major groups to slash personnel costs and I’m not talking about voice tracking here.  More evil.

4.  How long before ad sales perk up and radio companies can start making money again.

5.  An honest yes or no on employee layoffs and cutbacks for these radio groups by year’s end:  Entercom, CBS, Clear Channel, Cox, Saga, Townsquare, Cumulus and the outlook for mid to small independents.

The answers start here.

If you would like to read this story, have access to my entire archive (over 1,600 pieces) and get daily email delivery, click “read more” for your choices. 

Sunlight exposes evil – talk to me privately in my witness protection program: NewsTip Hotline

I’m on Twitter & Facebook all day sharing what I’m hearing.  Let’s connect.

Registration for my next media conference starts soon – please save January 30-31.

Make Millions in Closed Social Media

Social networking is all the rage.

But it may not be a viable business (i.e., Facebook, Twitter) even as its popularity grows.

There is an important change coming that you’ll want to watch carefully in which social media makes a complete U-turn from where it is at today.

And I’ll share a shrewd way to monetize your social media simply and effectively.

If you are a subscriber, thank you for joining our group.  Just click through and unlock the content.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

1.  Details on the anti-Facebook and anti-Twitter model that may soon evolve.

2.  How limiting the number of “friends” or “contacts” will make social media more valuable.

3.  The one thing that is a must for closed social networks – without this asset, you might as well keep using Facebook exclusively.

4.  What will augment, if not replace, commenting or senseless posting of gibberish.  You’ll want to stay a step ahead on this because lots of changes are coming relatively soon and this approach makes your social network addictive.  (I’m working on this right now but I want to share what I know).

5.  How to make your social media sites profitable without having to serve lots of cheap advertising.  If Twitter employed the strategy I’m going to share with you, they would turn a one billion dollar profit immediately.  Beat them to it.

This is the kind of take home pay you just can’t get anywhere else.

If you would like to read this story, have access to my entire archive (over 1,600 pieces) and get daily email delivery, click “read more” for your choices. 

Join our Witness Protection Program:  the smartest, safest newstip network – 100% anonymity guaranteed – talk to me confidentially here: NewsTip Hotline

Connect with me on Twitter & Facebook – I share what I’m hearing all day.

The Next Big Thing in Radio

While Clear Channel is out buying standalone AM stations, let’s move on to the next big thing in radio.

You’ll want to know what it is because not one media company is on track to unlock the next big thing.

But I’m going to identify it for you right now.

If you are a subscriber, thank you for joining our group.  Just click through and unlock the content.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

1.  It’s more important to a radio station than mobile, Internet, streaming or even social media.  That’s right, more important.  Do you know what it is?

2.  How 80 million young desirable target demos will use it as a radio and yet station owners still remain clueless.  (No Jeff Smulyan, it’s not a cellphone with an FM chip).

3.  Why consumers will be pulling out their phones and going right to it.  (It’s not an app).  Better yet, you can be what they turn to if you beat your competitors to it.

4.  Four ways you can get into the next big thing for radio right now.  Little to no upfront expenses.  It’s so much more valuable than that stream you’re running that Arbitron refuses to count it in the ratings.

5.  How you can use The Next Big Thing in Radio as value-added for advertisers – and get a premium instead of taking a discount. 

If you would like to read this story, have access to my entire archive (over 1,600 pieces) and get daily email delivery, click “read more” for your choices. 

Join our Witness Protection Program:  the smartest, safest newstip network – 100% anonymity guaranteed – talk to me confidentially here: NewsTip Hotline

Connect with me on Twitter & Facebook – I share what I’m hearing all day. 

Cumulus Paying 50% Commissions (Not a Typo)

This is unbelievable and I have confirmed it – it’s true.

Cumulus which is sinking deeper into debt every quarter is so hard put for revenue that it is willing to pay some sellers a total of 50% in commissions.

That’s right – a whopping 50%!

If you are a subscriber, thank you for joining our group.  Just click through and unlock the content.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, here’s what you’ll get:

1.  Details on the new Cumulus plan now being offered to select agencies in which they are willing to pay an eye-popping huge commission to steal the business from competitors.

2.  Which agency is already taking the bait – why not, if Cumulus is willing to overpay for their business.

3.  Oh, one more thing – that whopping commission they are paying this agency is in addition to other commissions all for the same sale.  The commission scheme exposed.

4.  The first real glimpse of how a centrally controlled sales operation that favors heavy corporate discounting will impact margins.

5.  Why Cumulus wants to keep the fact that it is willing to take only 50% of the buy as their profit secret.

The comment I hear the most from new subscribers is “I wish I had subscribed sooner”.  

If you would like to read this story, have access to my entire archive (over 1,600 pieces) and get daily email delivery, click “read more” for your choices. 

Join our Witness Protection Program:  the smartest, safest newstip network – 100% anonymity guaranteed – talk to me confidentially here: NewsTip Hotline

Connect with me on Twitter & Facebook – I share what I’m hearing all day. 

Clear Channel’s Drone Attack on Cumulus

If you’ve been waiting for two of the most evil radio operators to bash each others brains in, you’re in luck.

It’s happening now.

It’s WAR not WOR!

Clear Channel bought WOR, New York to protect its syndicated talk programming that Cumulus is carrying on WABC (and elsewhere) and looking to drop and compete against.  And the Evil Empire is on the warpath.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get:

• The purchase price of WOR • Clear Channel’s next strike against Cumulus • The secret Clear Channel offer to let Cumulus out of their talk contract • CC plans for a virtual programming hub in New York • Their plan to even bypass Manhattan and program WOR remotely

If you would like to read this story and get daily email delivery, click “read more” for your choices.  You can’t get this stuff anywhere else.

NewsTip Hotline.  Enter my Witness Protection Program:  the smartest, safest newstip network – 100% anonymity guaranteed.

Twitter -- I share what I’m hearing all day.


The Employment Outlook Ahead

1. How radio companies are getting increasingly nasty with talent – not the personalities they are firing, the ones they want to keep!

2. The employment outlook six months to a year out – a pretty accurate read on opportunities and challenges to working in the radio industry.

3.  What’s the most effective tactic being successfully used by radio groups – even some good ones – to bully departing employees into signing questionably legal non-competes.

4.  The best way to initiate and survive a lawsuit against a consolidator for unjust termination. 

5.  What’s the chance of a pay raise in the foreseeable future at a decent radio group.  

Mom & Pops Reinvent Digital

Article Preview:

1.  The secrets of why mom and pop operators, believe it or not, are light years ahead of their big competitors in digital.  Read it, learn from them and be proud.

2.  Why small local operators are giving media buyers the digital products they want while big operators are giving them the one size fits all template they hate.

3.  The best example of a small market group innovating in digital – and their revenue shows it.

4.  The best radio station in the nation for producing digital revenue – look to this station for ideas – not the big consolidators.

5.  What to do when you don’t have the budget you need to answer media buyers demand for creative digital.  Do what mom and pops do.  I’ll share.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, you’ll find this story is insightful, deadly honest, entertaining and informative reading worth every penny.

The comment I hear the most from new subscribers is “I wish I had subscribed sooner”. 

If you would like to read this story, have access to my entire archive (over 1,600 pieces) and get daily email delivery, click “read more” for your choices. 

Join our Witness Protection Program:  the smartest, safest newstip network – 100% anonymity guaranteed – talk to me confidentially here: NewsTip Hotline

Connect with me on Twitter & Facebook.

Partnering Instead of Competing

1.  What scares consolidators more than anything else?  It’s not you. Not me.  Not even massive debt.  Even scarier than that!

2.  The main reason why just about every broadcaster is rushing to do partnerships.

3.  What are CBS Radio and Cumulus doing in bed together? 

4.  The real reason radio groups are partnering with apps like iHeartRadio instead of competing with them. 

5.  Actual examples – and you’ll shake your head in disbelief – of what other radio groups are having to do to promote Clear Channel stations, not their own, in return for getting on the overblown iHeartRadio app. 

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, you’ll find this story is insightful, deadly honest, entertaining and informative reading worth every penny.

The comment I hear the most from new subscribers is “I wish I had subscribed sooner”. 

If you would like to read this story, have access to my entire archive (over 1,600 pieces) and get daily email delivery, click “read more” for your choices. 

Join our Witness Protection Program:  the smartest, safest newstip network – 100% anonymity guaranteed – talk to me confidentially here: NewsTip Hotline

Connect with me on Twitter & Facebook.

Cumulus Flirting With Legal Disaster

Article Preview:

1.  Why Cumulus is increasingly concerned about allegations it has kicked back money to ad agencies in return for big radio buys – discounts that their advertisers may not be sharing in or even know about.

2.  Last time Cumulus blamed its accounting problems (also known derisively as “cooking the books”) on founder Richard Weening.  Now what’s their excuse?

3.  How even an outside auditor may miss the so-called “exchanges” with ad agencies unless, of course, they know exactly what to look for.  Here’s exactly what to look for.

4.  How two Cumulus top execs react to my allegations – and then you decide whose nose is growing faster than Pinocchio.

5.  What the legal repercussions could be if Cumulus can’t make this whole thing go away by gagging those responsible.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, you’ll find this story is insightful, deadly honest, entertaining and informative reading worth every penny.

The comment I hear the most from new subscribers is “I wish I had subscribed sooner”. 

If you would like to read this story, have access to my entire archive (over 1,600 pieces) and get daily email delivery, click “read more” for your choices. 

Join our Witness Protection Program:  the smartest, safest newstip network – 100% anonymity guaranteed – talk to me confidentially here: NewsTip Hotline

Connect with me on Twitter & Facebook.

Les Wants More Than CBS Radio

Article Preview:

1.  What CBS CEO Les Moonves inadvertently signaled to Wall Street when he gave a vote of confidence to radio.

2.  What “Cumulus-like” strategy is starting to pop up more and more at CBS Radio. 

3.  What it is going to take for CBS “all-news” station WNEW-FM, Washington to pay off.  I’ll give you a number.

4.  Why CBS is high-tailing it to all-sports as if there is no tomorrow.  Here’s what tomorrow will look like.

5.  How to decode Moonves and look at the options he’s hoping for at CBS Radio.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, you’ll find this story is insightful, deadly honest, entertaining and informative reading worth every penny.

The comment I hear the most from new subscribers is “I wish I had subscribed sooner”. 

If you would like to read this story, have access to my entire archive (over 1,600 pieces) and get daily email delivery, click “read more” for your choices. 

Join our Witness Protection Program:  the smartest, safest newstip network – 100% anonymity guaranteed – talk to me confidentially here: NewsTip Hotline

Connect with me on Twitter & Facebook.

Promoting the Internet on Radio

Article Preview:

1.  What listeners assume about every radio station in the country and yet radio stations are unaware of what listeners expect from them.

2.  What’s better than sending listeners to your website?  Learn from this radio station that has it right.

3.  What’s the fastest way to get on the wrong side of a target demo listener?  Plus, the cure.

4.  A better alternative to driving listeners away from your on-air product to your website or digital content.  This way you can have both without the downside.

5.  How to make a desirable target demo listener find and listen to your on-air station and make money from digital at the same time.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, you’ll find this story is insightful, deadly honest, entertaining and informative reading worth every penny.

The comment I hear the most from new subscribers is “I wish I had subscribed sooner”. 

If you would like to read this story, have access to my entire archive (over 1,600 pieces) and get daily email delivery, click “read more” for your choices. 

Join our Witness Protection Program:  the smartest, safest newstip network – 100% anonymity guaranteed – talk to me confidentially here: NewsTip Hotline

Connect with me on Twitter & Facebook – I share what I’m hearing all day.

The digital future is on the agenda at my next media conference January 30-31 in Scottsdale.  Please save the date.  Details, registration and an early bird discount coming soon. 

The Most Endangered Radio Formats

Article Preview:

1.  The 5 most endangered FM radio formats and why. 

2.  The hottest radio formats and why.  The “why” is the important part.

3.  Why investment bank radio is moving toward, you should pardon the expression, derivative content.  You can finally see the hand of investment banks in the formats they favor.

4.  Two unthinkable and previously untouchable FM formats that I believe will soon be a goner.

5.  My advice:  how to run a radio station that competes with Pandora and Spotify.  The best options.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, you’ll find this story is insightful, deadly honest, entertaining and informative reading worth every penny.

The comment I hear the most from new subscribers is “I wish I had subscribed sooner”. 

If you would like to read this story, have access to my entire archive (over 1,600 pieces) and get daily email delivery, click “read more” for your choices. 

Join our Witness Protection Program:  the smartest, safest newstip network – 100% anonymity guaranteed – talk to me confidentially here: NewsTip Hotline

Connect with me on Twitter & Facebook – I share what I’m hearing all day. 

Clear Channel Implements Sales Cutbacks

Article Preview:

1.  Major compensation changes forced on salespeople at Clear Channel Phoenix that likely if not probably will be implemented in their other markets.

2.  How consolidators like Clear Channel and Cumulus aim to start thinning their sales forces by employing a tactic called pissing them off. 

3.  What is punitive compensation – the consolidators’ new tactic for hitting salespeople in their paychecks.  Under the new sales plan, a seller who accepts punitive compensation will have their hands full.

4.  How the two big consolidators are planning to eliminate local commissions by doing something questionable and maybe even illegal.  Nonetheless, be warned.

5.  Now that all major consolidators are eliminating local programming, they still need a full force of local sellers, right?

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, you’ll find this story is insightful, deadly honest, entertaining and informative reading worth every penny.

The comment I hear the most from new subscribers is “I wish I had subscribed sooner”. 

If you would like to read this story, have access to my entire archive (over 1,600 pieces) and get daily email delivery, click “read more” for your choices. 

Join our Witness Protection Program:  the smartest, safest newstip network – 100% anonymity guaranteed – talk to me confidentially here: NewsTip Hotline

Connect with me on Twitter & Facebook – I share what I’m hearing all day.