Clear Channel Debt Worse Than Reported

Clear Channel is not telling the whole truth about their mounting debt.

To listen to their fourth quarter revenue results, you would think they have matters under control.

But no – it’s worse than they’re letting on.

And yes – it’s bad news for their employees.

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If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. The five options Clear Channel has left to keep them afloat over the next few years – most of these have not been publicly discussed before now.
  2. The truth serum for claims that the 4% increase in revenue is actually real.
  3. That $16 billion in unpayable debt that we’ve reported is inaccurate – it just went up to this.
  4. Outdoor can save Clear Channel’s bacon, right?
  5. What Clear Channel left out of its 4th quarter numbers that the company called “transformational”.

If you would like to see why Clear Channel’s debt is actually worse than they are reporting, click “read more” below.

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5 Secrets of Radio’s Survival in the Digital Age


No sooner than Billboard decides to include YouTube listening in its chart compilation then one day later a viral video that has been out since last spring becomes the number one popular song overnight.

What happened to radio?

And what’s going to happen to radio if it doesn’t heed the 5 sacred secrets of survival in the digital age.

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If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. Radio’s answer to Pandora, Spotify, iTunes and YouTube.  Unfortunately, they’re not doing it.
  2. Then, the “magic pill” that can transform radio into the digital age.
  3. The one thing not to do on a radio station above and beyond playing the same old hits over and over again if you want to win listeners under 30 years old.
  4. How to take your radio station viral – just like YouTube does.
  5. Why you do not want to be swayed by the one thing that will be the death of music radio.

If you would like to see the 5 secrets of radio’s survival in the digital age, click “read more” below.

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Radio’s Dirty Laundry Outted

Failing radio groups like Clear Channel and Cumulus are always saying they use “best practices” to run their companies.

But look what I’ve discovered.

Dirty laundry that they’d rather not have anyone know about.

Which is why, today I’m going to tell you about it.

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If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. Forget the headlines, guess what Cumulus paid an employee they axed within the last few weeks after 20 years of service – and you’ll be surprised to know that it was not nothing.
  2. In which major market did this station’s sales manager go on the air desperately recruiting salespeople. 
  3. Better yet, look at what even Clear Channel would rather not have you know about how it fired an almost 30-year employee.  Why so secret?  Because they may want to try this tactic on you, too.
  4. When is it okay for Clear Channel to whore itself out to, of all competitors, CBS for what’s tantamount to prostitution money.  Names and call letters.
  5. Why Clear Channel doesn’t want anyone to know that it is doing extensive renovations of some radio facilities – Clear Channel Extreme Makeover Radio Edition.  Here’s why.
  6. Clear Channel CEO Bob Pittman is reportedly about to take another haircut in a business deal.  You’re 30 days ahead of it.

If you would like to hear radio’s dirty laundry outted, click “read more” below.

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Entercom’s Secret Strategy

Entercom is getting more evil.

Like working on plans to adopt foolish and abusive Clear Channel and Cumulus “worst” practices.

And Entercom employees are not going to like it one bit.

If you are a subscriber, thank you for joining our group.  Just click through and unlock the content.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. How Entercom is now acting like Cumulus and Clear Channel – in the words of their own employees.
  2. Why Entercom is using a new talent contract – more for less with an ugly twist.
  3. Harsh multitasking dictates that make it downright impossible to do a good air shift.
  4. How Entercom gets around bonus agreements.
  5. Plus, tricks that Clear Channel and Cumulus would love coming soon to Entercom stations.

If you would like to see Entercom’s secret strategy to be more like Cumulus and Clear Channel, click “read more” below.

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Clear Channel Stealth Firings Begin Today

What if I told you around 50 or so radio stations are going to eliminate an on-air position today?

Would you call that a layoff?

These radio groups would call it a sendoff and they’ve got cheatin’ on their minds.

If you’re looking to keep up with the devious new ways companies like Clear Channel and Cumulus are planning to use to fire lots of folks and not even have you notice, read on.

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If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. How 50 (maybe more) on-air people will be eliminated this morning on a stealth layoff.
  2. The dangerous new practice of mixing format DNA to create programs that claims lots of jobs.
  3. The next innovative and devious way to empty a radio station of air personalities – it’s happening this morning and will likely continue all year.
  4. What happens when dangerous and powerful radio CEOs start meddling in programming – that’s happening this morning, too.
  5. What is the disease known as “The Elvis Duran Syndrome” – check for the symptoms because as you’ll see there is no cure.

If you would like to learn about the Clear Channel stealth firings that are beginning today, click “read more” below.

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Clear Channel Invents a 3rd Way To Cut Staff

Clear Channel has just invented a third way to reduce their workforce.

You know the other two, but this new mean-spirited, humiliating approach comes out of nowhere and hurts your self-esteem and pay.

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If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. How a Clear Channel lifer just took it where the sun don’t shine after being blindsided by corporate.
  2. Their template for playing Russian roulette with your career.  It’s actually waterboarding because they ram this down your throat with no choice.
  3. How Clear Channel is leaving itself open to big lawsuits.
  4. Why they do this under the radar to avoid unfavorable publicity – it’s that evil.
  5. Plus, the big question – how far will these reductions in force go.

The answers begin here.

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All Out Radio Rebellion

Employees of companies like Clear Channel and Cumulus are madder than hell and aren’t going to take it anymore.

There is evidence everywhere that as much as suffering radio people would like to keep their jobs, they’re increasingly walking away from abuse, neglect and no pay raises.

Maybe it’s the economy getting better.

Or maybe it’s their employers getting worse.

Here is some documented evidence of a monumental change that can even hurt two arrogant consolidators who think they can fire people and get to keep the best of the best.

Now the best are heading for the door.

If you are a subscriber, thank you for joining our group.  Just click through and unlock the content.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. What consolidator is now down to just 7 salespeople in a multi-station cluster with red ink all over the company.
  2. The major issue that is finally pissing people off so much that they want to exit radio – even without another job lined up.
  3. New evidence that top management is fleeing.
  4. The handwriting on the wall – what is making radio people give up.
  5. My latest updated list of the best companies – the ones I would work for as well as the ones that are riskier.  You already know the two to avoid.

If you would like to see the all-out radio rebellion hitting major radio groups, click “read more” below.

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Cumulus-Type Cuts Rock CBS Radio

CBS Radio is pulling a Cumulus and Clear Channel.

It’s sad to say but as of a week ago CBS Radio is doing the exact same kind of thing that got Cumulus into trouble.

For some employees of major CBS properties as many as three major sources of income were adjusted downward.

And one change arrived just ahead of a major sales initiative.

Some incentive, eh?

So what’s up with a good company like CBS Radio acting like Cumulus?

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If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. Which CBS employees get burned the most under this new plan.
  2. The surprising revised sales commission package going into effect at some CBS Radio stations.
  3. The company’s unique excuse for slashing commissions.
  4. Which lucky CBS Radio employees dodge the new rules.
  5. The doomsday digital announcement employees have feared.  But wait -- other groups may try this same stunt next.
  6. How CBS blew a major revenue initiative with these 3 rules changes.

If you would like to see the surprising Cumulus-type cuts CBS Radio just made, click “read more” below. 

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2 Clear Channel Meetings To Change Everything

I’ve just gotten wind of two important Clear Channel meetings that are being scheduled – one will happen this very week.

Their net effect is to blow up current operations and move to a new system.


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If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. The info I’ve discovered about a high level Clear Channel New York management powwow that takes place this week.
  2. Best thinking on why they are having this meeting.
  3. The surprising choice of who is running it.  Not Pittman.  Not Hogan.  This speaks volumes.
  4. How the connection begins to become clearer between what top management is up to and – believe it or not – the just completed employee survey.
  5. What I’ve uncovered about another meeting – this one with Bob Pittman in Florida that is so secret that only a select few trusted people are invited.

If you would like to be in on the 2 meetings that Clear Channel is planning that will change everything, click “read more” below.

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Clear Channel May Be a Seller

$16 billion in debt is a big burden to carry around and for the next few years CEO Bob Pittman is going to struggle with ways to deal with it.

But no one overcomes that kind of imbalance without a bold move.

You may remember that Lee and Bain tried to get out of their 2009 Clear Channel acquisition before it was too late and changed their minds at the last minute.

Something to do with threatened lawsuits if they backed out.

They’re in it to lose it.

To wreck the company and sell off the parts kind of like Hostess did with Twinkies.  Did you see that New York Times article on how Hostess is worth more dead than alive? 

Clear Channel is radio’s Twinkies.

Here are some of the bold moves you will see sooner rather than later:

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If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. What is the surprising way for Clear Channel to raise $4-5 billion to pay down debt.
  2. Why selling some key market stations is not off the table.  I’ll name an example.
  3. How laying off more employees will be so very different this year.
  4. How Clear Channel plans to operate more like Pandora than the top radio group.
  5. The move that is currently underway to drastically reduce programming expenses (with a perfect example).

If you would like to see why Clear Channel is a seller, click “read more” below.

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7 Things Clear Channel Plans After Their Employee Survey

Everybody is talking about the “zombie” hackers who broke into radio’s Emergency Alert System (EAS).

But no one is paying attention to the hacks that are about to use the so-called Clear Channel Employee Engagement Survey results to totally reshape the company.

They managed to bully most of 73% of their terrified employees to “voluntarily” take the online survey. 

And John Hogan, Clear Channel bad cop (CEO Bob Pittman is the good cop) sounds like a man of the cloth when he talks in the soothing terms he used in a recent follow-up employee email.

Don’t fall for the schmaltz.

I know how Clear Channel is going to use all that warm and fuzzy employee engagement stuff to get what they really want – not what employees’ think they want.

Let’s have John Hogan have a seat on the psychiatrist’s couch for a second to analyze his brain.

Okay, well then, his mind.

Alright, then – his motives.

Wait until you see the transcript I have for you and the 7 changes Clear Channel plans to hide behind based on the just-completed Employee Engagement Survey.

If you are a subscriber, thank you for joining our group.  Just click through and unlock the content.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. How Clear Channel plans to use the Employee Engagement Survey results to initiate a series of unprecedented cutbacks across its 800+ stations.
  2. Why Clear Channel came up with the post-survey “action steps” they are about to take before the survey results came in.
  3. Does the new tone of this survey mean even a small chance that the worst of the Clear Channel employee cuts are over?
  4. How Clear Channel plans to shrink local studio and office space while redirecting their attention to employee attitudes.
  5. What the company plans about ending an 8-year drought on pay raises – the first real answer.

If you would like to see 7 things Clear Channel will do after their Employment Engagement Survey is revealed, click “read more” below.

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Critical New Social Media Discoveries

In five years of writing Inside Music Media, this is in my opinion the most important article I have ever written.

It’s the best and I think you’ll agree.

We’ve got it backwards.  Digital media is not what we think it is and it has just begun to change again.

Operate off the old assumptions at your own risk.

Get over Facebook – most of their users have.

Stop mistaking Twitter as a short form communication tool – there are some things it can be and some it just can’t be.

There’s a new trend toward self-destructing social communication that is here for a few seconds and gone the next that you should know about because already millions are embracing it.

The missed opportunity for radio stations who actually have social media ass backwards.  You’ll change your social media plans immediately because you’re going to say – that’s right. 

Here are the social media discoveries that are either going to upset your current strategies or make you a lot of money for jumping on them now.

If you are a subscriber, thank you for joining our group.  Just click through and unlock the content.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. The major way social media is changing – even the crazily popular YouTube. 
  2. Why a radio station should never, ever ask a listener to “like” them.
  3. How “clicks” and “likes” are blowing up in the face of content producers who are overlooking something even more important.
  4. The major attitude change that surveys are picking up about Facebook users.  Do you know this because whatever you’re doing that involves Facebook depends on it.
  5. The very latest trend in social media – an app that attracts over 60 million users a day and you probably have never heard of it.
  6. The movement from ad serving, polished social media and websites to the ephemeral – short-term content.  

If you would like to see critical new social media discoveries, click “read more” below.

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Clear Channel Employees Being Set Up

Employees have finally figured out why a brass knuckles company like Clear Channel is making nice to surviving workers by doing an online survey to tell them how the company can improve their toxic work environment.

Many are convinced that the answers that Clear Channel insists will remain anonymous can and will in fact be used against them in some way.

But the growing feeling within the company is that Clear Channel employees are being set up.

And now we’ve uncovered 5 potentially very scary ways.

You may want to watch your back.

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If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. Specifically how participating in the Clear Channel employee survey can blow up in your face.
  2. What employees now fear Clear Channel will do if they take the questionnaire even if their comments are glowing.
  3. How your comments can come back to haunt you should you be laid off later.
  4. This is the second time Bain/Clear Channel forced an attitudes survey on its employees.  Learn from the last time.
  5. What are the possible severance repercussions whether you comply or not.
  6. Why one Clear Channel cluster went so far as to force each and every employee to take the questionnaire immediately

If you would like to see how Clear Channel employees may be getting set up for a big fall, click “read more” below.

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Cumulus Talk Shakeup Coming

Lew Dickey is out trashing talk radio in the business press.

His Bloomberg interview last week is as subtle as an erection in a leotard.

Dickey is quoted as saying this about talk radio:  “People may be tired of all the partisan bickering.” 

This is from a man who airs Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity on his air.

The one who invented Mike Huckabee as a Rush Limbaugh replacement.  After all, Cumulus has to pay to run Limbaugh but they pay Huckabee spit for money to get low ratings on their affiliates.

This is the genius behind Geraldo.

The savior of Savage.

Can you imagine Dickey trashing country music, or Nashville to the business press the way he dumped on talk radio?

I thought so.

Something big is brewing and I have it for you here.

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If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. The next big major market format shakeup Dickey is signaling to the ad community.
  2. The startling move ahead involving some iconic major market stations.
  3. Why the Dickeys took Geraldo Rivera to the woodshed and bullied him into backing off of talking publicly about a senate bid – and believe it or not it has nothing to do with politics.
  4. Other Cumulus talk show hosts that are on thin ice.
  5. Why the Cumulus CEO publicly trashed his talk stations instead of just changing their formats – why this way?

If you would like to see the Cumulus talk shakeup coming, click “read more” below.

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YouTube’s Radio Knockout Punch

Google’s YouTube is going to a paid model.

And whether you know it or not – YouTube is radio’s most fearsome competitor.

That’s right – competitor to hit music radio stations among Millennial teens.

YouTube is doing what radio stations need to do.

But look out for YouTube’s knockout punch because it’s coming soon.

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If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. What YouTube plans to charge millions of premium content subscribers who now get the service for free.
  2. Why while YouTube tries to become subscription television, radio should go after YouTube.
  3. What will happen to YouTube’s pre-roll ads under the new subscription plan.
  4. Why ad revenue is no longer enough for YouTube and what that portends about radio.
  5. Two urgent things radio companies large and small must do not to become irrelevant and cash poor – specific first steps.

If you would like to see YouTube’s radio knockout punch, click “read more” below.

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Media Attention Span Shocker

I can’t watch TV in real time. 

Maybe you’re like me.

In fact, I am increasingly growing impatient with my media and now I have uncovered research that shows people like us are not alone.

If you believe a major university’s new research that I am going to share – and I do – radio stations are in great peril not only with 80 million short attention span Millennials and among every other available age demographic.

You’ll agree that this research is so shocking that it upends lots of assumptions good programmers are making about how they need to present content to audiences in the digital age.

First, the research.

Then, onto some effective ways radio stations can deal with just how short attention spans are becoming.

If you are a subscriber, thank you for joining our group.  Just click through and unlock the content.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. How long it takes audiences to bail on a video as they lose patience.
  2. Why half the respondents in this study proved this length of time is too long to wait for content they like.
  3. The almost unbelievable abandonment rate for each additional second that viewers lose patience with content.
  4. What radio talk stations could do to not run afoul of these new documented audience attention spans.
  5. Why scheduling your commercials like I’m going to describe cooperates best with the increasingly short attention spans in this study.
  6. What not to do in music sweeps.

If you would like see a major university’s media attention span shocker backed up by research, click “read more” below.

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Sticking It To Clear Channel

The Evil Empire is so hell bent on getting employees to spend 10 minutes to respond to an online survey about the company that they are panicking.

The company promised anonymity but employees aren’t buying it.

The response rate is so low that Clear Channel management is now reportedly pressuring local managers to force their reluctant employees into participating.

Now it’s getting ugly because people are feeling that they will be punished if they don’t answer the survey questions.

Answering is dangerous, because as you’ll learn, there are easy ways Clear Channel can trace you.

So some ingenious employees have found ways to stick it Clear Channel when they are being bullied into answering the questionnaire.

But there are things you should know about what Clear Channel and other evil radio empires can do to unsuspecting people who give honest answers.

If you are a subscriber, thank you for joining our group.  Just click through and unlock the content.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. Three different ways to fill out the online employees’ survey and protect your job.
  2. The 6 revealing things a company like Clear Channel can reportedly learn about you when answering their questions even when anonymity in guaranteed.
  3. A sample survey strategy from one Clear Channel employee who says he “said everything by saying nothing”.  Here’s how.
  4. What the safest strategy is now that the company is really pushing reluctant employees to take the survey.
  5. What Clear Channel’s real motive in asking employees for criticism.

If you would like to see how employees are sticking it to Clear Channel, click “read more” below.

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Crackdown Coming for Cumulus Employees

I am still shaking my head at the Cumulus memo recently circulated by their Memphis market manager and director of sales.

Spoiler alert.

The way this manager talks down to employees is sickening, embarrassing and, frankly, abusive. 

I cannot imagine the memo I am about to reveal could be circulated without at least one of Lew and John Dickey’s mindless henchmen signing off on it.

Therefore, these tough new rules are likely to spread to other Cumulus stations next.  And then by lemmings at other radio groups.

Here are direct quotes from an unbelievably abusive employee memo that is the worst I’ve seen in many years titled “Sales Policies and Expectations” along with my comments.

If you are a subscriber, thank you for joining our group.  Just click through and unlock the content.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. What happens from now on if you show up late to a sales meeting.
  2. The new minimum number of cold calls mandated each week and the drastic punishment for not reaching that goal.
  3. The new dress code being put in place by Cumulus while you’re making all those cold calls to prospects that Cumulus wants you to sell.
  4. What happens if you use your computer for anything other than work during business hours.
  5. What Cumulus will do to sales reps who have worked for them for only 3 months if they don’t sell 5 new accounts in the first quarter.  Hint: firing would be a better punishment.

If you would like to see the crackdown coming for Cumulus employees, click “read more” below.

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Clear Channel’s Latest Commission Atrocity

Employees of Clear Channel were just sent new commission agreements they must sign.

Like in “keep your job” type of sign.

No way out.

And the company that wants their employees to think they care about them – the company that is begging reluctant employees to respond to their online questionnaire – is sticking it to their sellers at the very same time.

And, after all, that survey is not really about improving relations with workers.

I can prove it.

Employees are really going to be pissed at The Evil Empire now because of this new mandatory contract I am going to reveal to you today.

And caution – once Clear Channel gets away with it, the other radio groups are going to follow.

Here’s the raw deal with actual quotes from the commission contract.

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If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. Good news first – higher rates if you sell this.  Now the bad news, lower rates if you sell that.
  2. What Clear Channel intends to do about bonuses.
  3. Why the meaning of “new business” has just been refined.
  4. What happens to sales made before the new commission agreements kick in less than a month.
  5. How Clear Channel expects to better litigate against you with this agreement with special rules to combat new employee-friendly laws in California.

If you would like to see Clear Channel’s mandatory new commission atrocity, click “read more” below.

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