Turns out the spineless appointees on the Clear Channel board of directors are suddenly pissed at their CEO and Director Bob Pittman.
Major potential repercussions that could affect the outcome of Pittman’s plans to downsize the company are now possible.
What happens when the Clear Channel board turns into “Mad Men”?
If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.
- The straw that broke the camel’s back – even Pittman’s “puppets” have had enough. A look into the big chill.
- Is Pittman’s job jeopardy?
- But the Board approved a 624 person massive layoff just a few weeks ago – how is this possible?
- The reason the board is suddenly concerned about what’s happening with surviving Clear Channel employees as a disaster waiting to implode.
- The critical importance of the next 6 months to Pittman’s “Strategic Game Plan” – yes, that’s what it is called.
- Hold Everything! Could an angry board scuttle Pittman’s plans to layoff 4 people per market?
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