Clear Channel Board Pissed At Pittman

Turns out the spineless appointees on the Clear Channel board of directors are suddenly pissed at their CEO and Director Bob Pittman.

Major potential repercussions that could affect the outcome of Pittman’s plans to downsize the company are now possible.

What happens when the Clear Channel board turns into “Mad Men”?

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. The straw that broke the camel’s back – even Pittman’s “puppets” have had enough.  A look into the big chill.
  2. Is Pittman’s job jeopardy?
  3. But the Board approved a 624 person massive layoff just a few weeks ago – how is this possible?
  4. The reason the board is suddenly concerned about what’s happening with surviving Clear Channel employees as a disaster waiting to implode.
  5. The critical importance of the next 6 months to Pittman’s “Strategic Game Plan” – yes, that’s what it is called.
  6. Hold Everything!  Could an angry board scuttle Pittman’s plans to layoff 4 people per market?

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It’s worth it!  You can’t get honest and insightful media information like this anywhere else. Thousands of members are all in.  Unlock this story and see for yourself.

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CBS Is Creeping Out Employees

Secret deals.

Corporate pressure.

Something is up at CBS Radio.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. Bet you’ve never heard of a 26% commission rate in radio.  Here’s what now earns a 26% commission at CBS Radio.
  2. The critical importance of this day – June 30th.
  3. The switch CBS Radio is pulling on advertisers if they will just do this one thing.
  4. Why the CBS balance sheet is all of a sudden a monster issue.
  5. And the $64,000 question!  Does this whacky behavior mean the rumored merger with Cumulus is ready to happen sooner than 2014?

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It’s worth it!  You can’t get honest and insightful media information like this anywhere else. Thousands of members are all in.  Unlock this story and see for yourself.

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Cumulus Layoffs Rapidly Expanding

The next round of Cumulus cutbacks and layoffs are now underway.

10 victims in one day – in one place – with more to come.

Something just got worse.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. The next target for a shutdown previously thought to be off-limits.
  2. The reported secret deal the Dickeys are working on now to create the next national format and induce more firings.
  3. Their exit from talk radio is becoming more evident – how, where and when.
  4. Why Cumulus can no longer afford to fire people slowly under the radar and what it means to current employees.
  5. Finally, the question people are afraid to ask!  When do the “real” layoffs begin – so massive by comparison they will make the jobs lost to date seem small.

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It’s worth it!  You can’t get honest and insightful media information like this anywhere else. Thousands of members are all in.  Unlock this story and see for yourself.

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Stop Defending Radio – Attack It

The crybabies who think if you criticize radio you don’t love it are doing more harm than good.

Where are our balls?

Where is our innovation?

Don’t just blame the consolidators who richly deserve plenty of it, look in the mirror and make a difference.

10 things you can do to shake radio awake.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. The one strategy that would turn radio around on a dime – in fact, our competitors are already doing it.
  2. If you can fix only one thing on a radio station today, this move gets the most audience and revenue back.  One smart move.
  3. The most impressive digital strategy that will blow away all competitors because none of them do this.  Yet audiences crave it.
  4. What’s worse for audiences and advertisers than an 8-minute stop set – fix this and you’re printing money again.
  5. And, what everyone really wants to know:  Can good radio work in a world where venture capital-backed consolidators dominate.

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It’s worth it!  You can’t get honest and insightful media information like this anywhere else. Thousands of members are all in.  Unlock this story and see for yourself.

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Lenders Demand More Clear Channel Cuts

Clear Channel lenders know nothing about radio so the changes they are imposing next are so scary as to be unbelievable.

But believe it.

The Clear Channel mandate to make more drastic cuts.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. One coming budget cut is so controversial Clear Channel is actually asking the perpetrators involved not to discuss it. 
  2. When the first of the big changes is slated to start.
  3. Excerpts from this secret email that says:  “In the coming weeks we will have a strategic game plan”.  About what?
  4. Three huge cuts I guarantee you have never seen implemented at any radio station.  In fact, you’ve never even heard about them, but you will because they are coming.
  5. And will somebody please reveal what’s in the works at Clear Channel!  A new name for the radio stations.  A new look for offices.  Yet another new way to drastically slash expenses.

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It’s worth it!  You can’t get honest and insightful media information like this anywhere else. Thousands of members are all in.  Unlock this story and see for yourself.

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Enormous Manager Purge Coming To Clear Channel

Clear Channel CEO Bob Pittman has just come off a wonderful “work” trip to Cannes and has had to put up with walking around the deck of the company yacht in his socks for a week.

Now he’s prepared to sock it to another category of employee – the one that thought they had the most job security.

Market managers.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. The brutal way Clear Channel will now target their “capos”, appointed managers who blindly carried out execution orders.  Now they are the targets.
  2. Will the coming managerial purge be counted toward the four per market mandate to achieve 624 more layoffs this summer?  We do the math.
  3. Real time examples of firings – who, where and how these new firings are being conducted as a warning of what’s to come.  
  4. Red ink and piles of debt have forced Clear Channel to think more aggressively about layoffs.  Here’s their scary new plan.
  5. What we’re all wondering!  Pittman has board approval to layoff four employees from each market – when he is going to use it.

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It’s worth it!  You can’t get honest and insightful media information like this anywhere else. Thousands of members are all in.  Unlock this story and see for yourself.

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Cumulus Bombshell Coming Next Week

Here is 7 days advanced warning for fireworks to be set off at Cumulus and I don’t mean a July 4th celebration.

The Dickeys are making a huge move with implications that will affect their current staff and the size of that staff in the future.

Lew Dickey declaring independence from more employees.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. The move that will launch a ton of layoffs.  No one saw this coming.
  2. The new way corporate will be making local decisions.
  3. This is bigger than syndication – and it’s scarier.  Clear Channel has toyed with this kind of move but hasn’t had the guts to go where Cumulus is going next week.
  4. How the groundwork is already laid to expand what you’re going to see happen by July 4th.
  5. If you’re wondering why now!  This explains it all and gives you a roadmap to what Cumulus is planning to shakeup next in talk, music and sports.

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It’s worth it!  You can’t get honest and insightful media information like this anywhere else. Thousands of members are all in.  Unlock this story and see for yourself.

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Clear Channel Doubling Down On Layoffs

Clear Channel is not even trying to hide the excesses that a handful of corporate honchos are piling on themselves.

Meanwhile 4 employees per market will be fired – 624 total – signed, sealed and delivered by the Clear Channel board.

As you’ll see, the more CEO Bob Pittman’s cohorts take, the more their employees give up in jobs.

You can predict the next layoff.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. Less than two weeks after asking for the heads of four employees per market, guess what Bob Pittman is getting ready to spend more money on today.
  2. Caught on Facebook!  Clear Channel employee bragging about corporate partying while 624 fellow workers face the ax.  With “compromising” photos.
  3. The real reason behind Clear Channel’s move to costly bigger headquarters and posh digs.
  4. The Imperial Pittman:  an employee reveals what His Majesty requires an employee to do before he enters a room.  Eyewitness account.
  5. What everyone wants to know!  How these out of control corporate excesses can actually predict the next round of layoffs.

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It’s worth it!  You can’t get honest and insightful media information like this anywhere else. Thousands of members are all in.  Unlock this story and see for yourself.

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The Samsung Jay-Z Deal

Jay-Z and Samsung just did a $5 million dollar deal that is setting the record business back again.

It’s time to disrupt the old record business model with some concepts that actually have a chance of working.

The way out of the mess.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. A prediction of what is actually going to happen to music sales within the next 3 years and the labels don’t see it coming.
  2. The labels’ major revenue strategy that will actually backfire – it’s starting to happen right now.
  3. Why royalty fees will be forced to decline – that’s right, forced.
  4. What you’ve been asking:  the sweet spot for pricing music today.
  5. The solution!  This disruptive strategy that can make buying music as addictive and profitable as texting.

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It’s worth it!  You can’t get honest and insightful media information like this anywhere else. Thousands of members are all in.  Unlock this story and see for yourself.

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Cumulus, CBS Radio Merger – Game On

Another piece to the eventual merger of the worst radio company with the best is now in place.

CBS employees don’t want to believe that their excellent company could wind up in the hands of Brother Love’s Traveling Salvation Show.

And Cumulus employees don’t know what to believe.

Game on.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. The sale price in dollars and multiples from people close to the situation. You heard it first.
  2. Why CBS finds Lew Dickey, an underachiever and toxic employer, so attractive.  Some things are more important than looks.
  3. The real deal behind all these collaborations between CBS and Cumulus.
  4. The reason why Cumulus sacrificed 67 stations to the national sports radio network launched by CBS that will never see a 1 share and just yesterday scheduled a new play date with each other.
  5. And what everybody is asking!  Is there any way – any way at all – that CBS keeps the biggest and best stations for themselves and sells only the others to Cumulus?

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It’s worth it!  You can’t get honest and insightful media information like this anywhere else. Thousands of members are all in.  Unlock this story and see for yourself.

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Now Cumulus Is Gearing Up For Layoffs

Yesterday Cumulus just took the first step to substantially cut its staff again.

And it looks like they are going to slip one in even as Clear Channel lays off 624 people, which have also been approved to avoid the bad publicity.

The Cumulus layoff plan is underway.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. Here is the giveaway for this round of cutbacks.  The mandatory spreadsheet form that local stations were told to fill out.  Read that form and you can see which jobs are being targeted. 
  2. Two things that could save your job from this round of Cumulus layoffs.  If you’ve got one of these, you’re golden.
  3. The next plug-in national format after all sports that Cumulus is said to be secretly working on.
  4. The big time partner in crime developing this new 24-hour format that will allow them to fire even more local staff.   You’ll be surprised.
  5. The slick programming change that is being made in some markets to cut another position from the budget.
  6. Finally, the thing we all want to know!  When. 

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It’s worth it!  You can’t get honest and insightful media information like this anywhere else. Thousands of members are all in.  Unlock this story and see for yourself.

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Product Placement

Two-thirds of the huge expense to make Superman “Man of Steel” was already paid for by 100 product placements before it even arrived in theaters.

It’s time to take a serious look at the advantages and disadvantages of product placement on other platforms.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. The way to make Twitter pay off financially for the first time with this shrewd move.
  2. How product placement will sit with the change-maker next generation – safe or risky proposition?
  3. Pricing – what to do and not to do in building a sustainable rate.
  4. The thing that is more important than programming, price or whether it is digital enough or social enough – know this one thing and you’re about to tap a new revenue source.

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It’s worth it!  You can’t get honest and insightful media information like this anywhere else. Thousands of members are all in.  Unlock this story and see for yourself.

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Clear Channel Mad Men

Bob Pittman is making his play to buy the major assets of Clear Channel.

If you think he’s been a little erratic lately, wait until you see what he’s working on now.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. Why Pittman is sticking to his 4-per market layoff goals while at the same time handing out raises, bonuses and benefits to his top henchmen like it’s going out of style.  There’s a reason.
  2. The strategic reason Clear Channel asked advertisers a few days ago to stop making “lame ads”. 
  3. A major programming move coming to a Clear Channel station near you that will further stretch out an overworked air staff.
  4. How Clear Channel has finally resolved who will decide which employees will be getting the axe – forget the optics, it’s going to be done like this.
  5. Most Important!  Are the worst of the layoffs over after these four per market (624 total) firings happen?  The mind-blowing answer.

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It’s worth it!  You can’t get honest and insightful media information like this anywhere else. Thousands of members are all in.  Unlock this story and see for yourself.

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Zero Dark Clear Channel 624

Now it is known.

Here’s how Clear Channel intends to pull off the firing of four employees per market when they can catch them most off guard.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. The secret plan from a source close to Clear Channel corporate on exactly how CEO Bob Pittman will use shock and awe to complete the firing of 624 employees.
  2. How Pittman is trying to distance himself from the decision he personally made to exterminate a massive number of employees unexpectedly in the middle of the year.
  3. Even as you read this, people are working for Pittman to come up with a list of expendable employees.  The down low on their dirty work.
  4. The one thing other than his own image, Pittman worries about the most.
  5. The surprising revelation of who will be the ones who will determine which employees get fired.
  6. And what everyone wants to know!  Is there any circumstance under which the four per market firing mandate can be rescinded if things get bad enough.  The surprising answer and the specifics.

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It’s worth it!  You can’t get honest and insightful media information like this anywhere else. Thousands of members are all in.  Unlock this story and see for yourself.

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Bye Bye Jan Jeffries

Cumulus is getting to be like “Keeping Up with the Kardickeyans”.

They have publicly given their senior programming VP a vote of confidence and you know what happens when they say the coach isn’t getting fired.

But it’s even more dysfunctional.

John Dickey is going to be making the music decisions from now on and there is not a lot of room to fire more people.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. Even “family” members aren’t safe from CEO Lew Dickey’s firing rampage so what does this mean for the coming round of layoffs.
  2. The new apparent shakedown of the record industry.  How the sham will work.
  3. What’s in it for you now that the two largest radio groups are aggressively dictating music airplay?  Their plan.
  4. How Clear Channel forced its stations to play a song from an artist without a recent hit and without even a record label in return for an appearance at a recent concert.  It’s true.
  5. The Big Question!  What Clear Channel is paying the 10 record labels who have done direct licensing deals with them.  You won’t believe it.

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It’s worth it!  You can’t get honest and insightful media information like this anywhere else.  Thousands of members are all in.  Unlock this story and see for yourself.

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Clear Channel Panics Into More Cutbacks

Another huge cutback is coming.

In addition to the four per market firings that the Clear Channel board approved last Friday.

This one has major repercussions for the local market employees.

But there is good news for this one job category, only one – not because Clear Channel values them but because another company wants to hire them away.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. The major expenditure that is being rescinded with reverberations to be felt at all regional and major market clusters.  Top secret – until now.
  2. Surprise!  What expenditures will be immune from cutbacks?
  3. The job you want to have at Clear Channel right now because you are virtually safe from being one of the four per market the company is looking to axe.  Only this one job is safe.
  4. Why?  I’ll tell you why.  Another company is going to make a run at these Clear Channel employees.
  5. The name of the company that sources say will stand up and call CEO Bob Pittman’s bluff.  They’ll take his unwanted workers and now he’s panicked at the thought of it.

Access this story now and try a monthly subscription, here.

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It’s worth it!  You can’t get honest and insightful media information like this anywhere else. Thousands of members are all in.  Unlock this story and see for yourself.

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The Evil Empire Strikes Back At Employees

Bob Pittman is pissed.

Forced to postpone but not retract his orders to fire 4 employees per market by the end of June or sooner, he’s now about to retaliate big time. 

You’ll agree – what he’s planning to do next is a total outrage.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. What’s the last thing you would do if you had to fire 624 people in less than a month?  Pittman is doing it anyway but it’s a secret – until now.
  2. The developing mutiny from within including top executives that are beginning to see their leader as being out of touch.
  3. How ordinary employees are actually growing a pair and for the first time courageously taking this action to stand up directly to the Clear Channel CEO.
  4. Pittman’s big changes ahead for President John Hogan and his format captains.
  5. The major top-level defection that promises to embarrass Pittman.
  6. And the most important answer!  How much time do 624 targeted layoffs really have before they are out of work even with Pittman’s last minute delay? 

Access this story now and try a monthly subscription, here.

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It’s worth it!  You can’t get honest and insightful media information like this anywhere else. Thousands of members are all in.  Unlock this story and see for yourself.

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How to be Persuasive

Clear Channel Blinks On Massive Layoffs

Still on. 

But, new plan. 

New date. 

And an unprecedented and devious way to decide who gets the axe never before used by a radio company.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. The new drop dead date for 4 layoffs per market.
  2. How the Clear Channel Board reacted Friday when Bob Pittman asked them to go ahead and approve 624 layoffs anyway. 
  3. Who Clear Channel employees will be seeing from corporate starting this week to distance the firings from CEO Bob Pittman.
  4. The unprecedented strategy Pittman is employing that no radio company has ever used before to determine who will lose their jobs.
  5. Exposed!  The ironic plan from a company that has moved radio operations from local to corporate to shift the onerous firings from corporate to – sit down for this one – back to local radio management.

Access this story now and try a monthly subscription, here.

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The Benefits of Being Fired

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Privacy vs. Security Media-style

Radio talkers and cable news were just handed the ticket out of ratings jail with the recent national security leaks controversy.

No, not all that bloviating that talk radio and cable news will do.  That’s just more of a losing formula.

Here’s the winning road back to relevancy.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. How to stop losing audiences by changing the way talk radio and cable news talks to its viewers and listeners.
  2. Usable strategies including topics to make even a non-talk listener or viewer join the conversation.
  3. Why the recent national security leaks are a generational bridge between traditional media and the young audience they are hoping for but haven’t figured out how to get.
  4. Which talk radio issues are absolute losers with a Millennial audience (but they will continue to pump up your over 65 ratings).
  5. How Millennials, the generation that will never listen to a radio talk show, are future conservatives in waiting if only radio would change the conversation – here’s how.

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4 Employees Per Cluster To Be Fired By Clear Channel

Today is D-Day. 

Clear Channel’s puppet board finalizes CEO Bob “Hangman” Pittman’s plan to eliminate another 5% or more of the workforce.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. Wednesday Clear Channel corporate made managers update their CORE programming list looking for potential cutbacks.  And then just yesterday, they got more aggressive and did this.
  2. The over/under on which jobs are the most vulnerable as of 24 hours before D-Day.
  3. Why the easiest to fire may go first and here is who they think are “easiest” to fire.
  4. What about engineers and salespeople – safe or not safe?
  5. PLUS … a free link to help potential victims of this midyear layoff:  “Seven Ways to Get The Job of Your Dreams”.  I developed it when I was a professor at USC and it works.  This alone is worth joining our group.

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624 Clear Channel Layoffs Underway

Lists are being prepared.  Positions targeted.  Deadline Friday.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. Details of a private Clear Channel email that went out within the last 24 hours revealing which employees are most at risk for being laid off.
  2. Which layoffs get priority.
  3. Who will take the brunt of the layoffs – there are 3 categories that appear targeted in the email.
  4. Why Clear Channel is targeting people who can be fired on or before the end of the month.
  5. We now have a better idea of which management position is most at risk.

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Confidential Newstip Hotline.

Talk to Jerry privately here.

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Copycat Cumulus Cutbacks

Will Cumulus do copycat layoffs like it did last November under the cover of Clear Channel’s 7% workforce reduction?

As I reported yesterday Clear Channel CEO Bob Pittman has approved four firings in every radio market by the end of June or sooner!  (See: Massive Clear Channel Layoffs Approved).

Now here’s Lew Dickey’s next move.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. Best estimate of how many Cumulus employees will get the axe over the next few months.  It’s significant.
  2. Believe it or not – this one Cumulus position has job security, at least for now – here’s why.
  3. Main firing targets:  these two jobs.  No excuse for not knowing.
  4. Secondary firing targets:  this position. 
  5. What is the fundamental change now taking place in the way Cumulus is running their failed clusters – a scary new approach that they’ve recently turned to.  Even their market managers have not been consulted.  Jobs will be in jeopardy.

Access this story now and try a monthly subscription, here.

Become an annual member and also access 2,300+ previous stories, here.  Search Stories.

Confidential Newstip Hotline:

Talk to Jerry privately here.

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Massive Clear Channel Layoffs Approved

Every market.  Very soon.  Official. 

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. Exactly how many employees will be fired in this extra layoff – it’s massive and it’s official.
  2. How soon.
  3. Excerpts from CEO Bob Pittman’s secret email to his board of directors containing his thoughts, desires and demands.
  4. Who will decides which unfortunate employees will be losing their jobs – it’s not who you think it is.
  5. Why Clear Channel market managers don’t even know about these layoffs as late as last night.
  6. What about the annual holiday layoffs – still on or now off?

Access this story now and try a monthly subscription, here.

Become an annual member and also access 2,300+ previous stories, here.  Search Stories.

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Talk to Jerry privately here.

I’d love to connect with you on Twitter, Facebook & LinkedIn.

The Shift From Broadcasting To Real Time Media

The future of media and content has just moved to real time.  Here is how broadcasters and even digital startups are going to have to radically change what they are doing to observe an entirely new set of rules or become extinct forever.

Click “read more” to learn more. 

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7 Major Surprises Radio Owners Plan

It’s the calm before the storm …

The radio industry has never been quieter which means trouble.  Debt mounts for the two biggest groups.  Time spent listening declines.  Radio listeners get older. Even some good groups look to reduce their presence or get out.

But the numbnuts who ruined the radio industry aren’t done. 

Now, 7 major surprises they have planned.

If you are a subscriber, thank you for joining our group.  Just click through and unlock the content.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, this is a great day to go past the teasers and get the answers.

  1. The timeframe for CBS to sell some or all of its radio division.
  2. The only format that is safe from the Cumulus wrecking ball – it’s not the one you’re thinking.
  3. What dirty trick Lew Dickey is planning to do to Rush Limbaugh and talk radio next.
  4. What major move will Clear Channel make?  Major.
  5. Why a big Clear Channel housecleaning of employees due this fall is not the only housecleaning they have planned.  Read their target for cutbacks.
  6. Surprising info on who may reduce their station portfolios next.
  7. How the last way to save some good radio brands goes out the window.

Click “read more” below for the answers. 

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Preview My Archive of over 2,300 other stories here.