Exclusive Local Sales Deals Backfiring on iHeart

INSIDE . . .

  1. How iHeart is doing self-destructive local ad deals in a desperate attempt to make up $6 million in lost billing by July 1.
  2. A major market case study – don’t try this at home.
  3. And the major company paying big bucks to keep competitors off iHeart’s air – sounds like an opportunity for competitors.
  4. Why the competitors who are not allowed to buy any iHeart stations are NOT suing iHeart.
  5. How some advertisers are afraid of iHeart because of their impending bankruptcy – details.

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New Unfair Sick Pay Rules at iHeart

INSIDE . . .

  1. Details on new rules that hurt employees instead of helping them when they need it.
  2. Exposed:  Overpaying their CFO while cutting rank and file employee benefits (a lawsuit is being considered).
  3. How employees will lose money even as they are supposedly being compensated for taking sick time off.
  4. Draconian new measures about draws and guarantees for salespeople, vacation and sick pay changes.
  5. Giving back benefits – you read that right.

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The Future of Content Is Paid Subscriptions

INSIDE . . .

  1. What all of a sudden happened to “free”?
  2. And “freemium”?
  3. Proven examples of media companies that are raking in the money every month from paid subscriptions and how radio can, too.
  4. Warning:  how the advertising model critical to digital and traditional media is starting to fail.
  5. How radio can get the paid subscription revenue stream started.

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The Tech Dark Age Ahead

INSIDE . . .

  1. Why this is a warning for traditional media.
  2. How radio could create content for new, younger audiences.
  3. What are the opportunities of media outlets now that technology is slowing down.
  4. The missing ingredient to resonate with younger audiences in the post technology era.
  5. What about driverless cars? Opportunity?

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Millennial Media Myths

INSIDE . . .

  1. Do Millennials like contests and is radio right not to do them?
  2. Millennial myths about streaming music services.
  3. How the connected car radio will work for Millennials – this may be a surprise to radio stations.
  4. Myths about SiriusXM.
  5. About Millennials and podcasting.
  6. Millennials and radio commercials --- in a world where they are bombarded with digital ads, is it such a deal breaker any longer?

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Binge Worthy Radio

INSIDE . . .

  1. Startling new Netflix research that finally reveals how subscribers binge watch their shows.
  2. How long does it take to complete a Netflix series season.
  3. What types of shows get watched even faster.
  4. How much time a day on average do Netflix subscribers spend binge watching popular series?
  5. Do they watch future seasons faster or slower than previous seasons?
  6. How radio can rethink programming and develop binge content.
  7. Then run it on-air and available to subscribers online – an audio version of Netflix.
  8. Some idea starters.

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Radio Advertising Scandal Revealed

INSIDE . . .

  1. How the iHeart scheme to offer kickbacks for media buys keeps money away from smaller groups.
  2. Details of how major advertisers are unwittingly getting screwed while radio and agencies profit.
  3. What the ad agencies get in return for directing major buys to these four radio groups to the exclusion of all the others.
  4. The big 4 groups that manage to get up to 40% of each buy.
  5. How smaller groups competing in markets with these four companies can’t even make a proposal to be included.
  6. Six radio groups taking it on the chin the most.

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Where Things Stand On Programmatic Buying

INSIDE . . .

  1. How programmatic buying is going to make agencies richer and radio stations look like fools.
  2. When the first big programmatic buying system will go into operation – and where.
  3. Which radio group is willing to lose local revenue in order to transition to selling without humans.
  4. Why to beware of Katz rep firm’s Expressway programmatic buying platform – good for them, bad for stations that will have little choice.  Details.
  5. Radio without sellers – the prognosis.
  6. Does iHeart really in its iHeart of hearts want to eventually fire all their salespeople – really?

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Housecleaning at Cumulus

INSIDE . . .

  1. How Mary Berner is about to make Cumulus her company.
  2. What’s changed that has suddenly empowered Mary?
  3. The Cumulus market manager of tomorrow.
  4. Which market managers will soon be in jeopardy.
  5. What is Mary’s ultimate plan for Cumulus.

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The Real Reason iHeart Hired Dan Mason

INSIDE . . .

  1. Was Mason hired to fix iHeart programming?
  2. Handle NAB stuff and relations with vendors and other radio groups?
  3. Why now – at this exact moment when Mason’s one-year CBS non-compete is up?
  4. The big plans that iHeart has for Mason that could shock the radio industry – and believe it or not – even Mason!
  5. Why Mason is being hired the same way another big name iHeart employee was hired – study that and you have the answer.

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Cable’s Net Neutrality Loss

INSIDE . . .

  1. How the ruling saves Internet content providers from the fate that killed the radio industry.
  2. How companies like iHeart, Cumulus, Entercom and now CBS Radio could not have been ruined if they were protected by their own version of “net neutrality”.
  3. Who is singlehandedly responsible for the Telecommunications Act of 1996 which caused the lost of tens of thousands of radio jobs alone.  Here’s your villain. 
  4. The real reason why cable companies and telecoms want net neutrality struck down and how they will continue to fight it.
  5. Why privacy issues that affect everyone is at stake if they get a reversal of this week’s court ruling.

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iHeart to Pressure Salespeople for Quick Money

INSIDE . . .

  1. How iHeart salespeople are going to be made to pay for revenue shortfalls.
  2. Why a big emergency meeting is being held right now.
  3. How much revenue is missing and must be made up in just two weeks.
  4. The tactics iHeart will employ to steal every penny it can from competitors – details.
  5. The iHeart competitor that is going to actually gain the most as iHeart blows out its inventory and hands higher priced revenue to them.
  6. Details on how the desperate two-week revenue beg-athon will work.

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The Microsoft Purchase of LinkedIn

INSIDE . . .

  1. Why the Tech Dark Ages has arrived.
  2. What are they thinking? Microsoft spent $5 billion more than iHeart’s total debt to buy a social media company.
  3. Why Apple is also plum out of ideas and where does that leave the digital revolution everyone craves.
  4. Five distinct ways radio can take advantage of this lull in innovation.
  5. New formats never before aired on radio.
  6. A new radio station built around a cause – the music, the concept.
  7. An all-news station that is perfect for short attention spans.
  8. Why money can no longer buy you innovation but what can.

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“Dangerous” Donald & “Crooked” Hillary

INSIDE . . .

  1. How cable news and radio are screwing up their presidential election coverage.
  2. What we are learning from this contentious election cycle that applies to radio.
  3. The most important thing a radio station must now be.
  4. And equally important – you’ll want to check your branding – what a radio station doesn’t want to be today in the eyes of listeners.
  5. Why young people continue to reject radio’s attempts to appeal to them –and six steps to fix it.
  6. The new definition of being a rock star – is this your station?
  7. What radio could learn about increasing their revenue from none other than Bernie Sanders – I’ll explain.

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Dickey Managers to Be Booted Out at Cumulus

INSIDE . . .

  1. The widespread changes likely ahead of bankruptcy.
  2. How far Mary Berner is ready to go to sweep the company clean of Dickey hires.
  3. The skinny on four Dickey executives who reportedly have one foot in the grave and the other on a banana peel.
  4. An example of the down low Mary is getting on one “Dickey hire” – Bob Walker.
  5. How low will Mary go to remove Dickey managers that don’t drink her Kool-Aid and perform up to her expectations.
  6. How safe are market managers hired under the Dickey regime.

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The Most Powerful Replacement for Radio News

INSIDE . . .

  1. The most powerful purveyor of news in America right now. Nothing is bigger or more influential than this and you should copy it.
  2. What’s really killing news radio?
  3. How radio and television is literally driving audiences away according to ratings and how to stop it.
  4. Five things every radio station should do right now to take advantage of perceived media news bias.
  5. How news should sound in the digital age – details.
  6. Where to find news that everyone else doesn’t already know.

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Hold or Sell CBS Stock?

INSIDE . . .

  1. Is the move to sell radio – or spin it off from the parent – a wise move.
  2. Andre Fernandez vs. Dan Mason – who is best suited to run CBS Radio in troubled times.
  3. Is Les Moonves right to ditch outdoor and radio and become a purely video company.
  4. Moonves’ biggest strategic success.
  5. Issues that could affect CBS over the months ahead.

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Major Changes Coming to CBS This Week

INSIDE . . .

  1. Why it doesn’t get any bigger than this or dumber – details.
  2. Which employees CBS is gunning for now and why.
  3. Why some of the firings will come as a shock because their bosses don’t want to do it.
  4. Can Scott Herman continue to protect his loyalists from layoffs.
  5. The market where sources say at least 9 CBS employees are actively looking for new jobs before the axe falls – that’s how nervous and disgusted they are.

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The Other Radio Groups in Trouble

INSIDE . . .

  1. Which other radio groups by NAME are headed for hard times beyond the two usual suspects.
  2. What’s the story with Entercom?
  3. Which two operators under the radar who should be flush with money right now but are under-performing even by their low standards.
  4. The answer to this question: is the radio company that survives one that generates more and more from digital or more and more from radio.
  5. Market forces that even the good radio groups must face or start declining within a year.
  6. Four radio groups other than Cumulus and iHeart to avoid because they look like they’re going down – one is a real shocker – am I being subtle enough?

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One-Way iHeart Contracts

INSIDE . . .

  1. How these one-way contacts work and specifically why employees should avoid them at all costs no matter how good they look today.
  2. How iHeart is preparing for an earlier bankruptcy than previously thought potentially catching tens of thousands of employees off guard.
  3. How employees are in for a screwin’ again.
  4. What happens if you sign a contract with a bankrupt company like iHeart now – consider this a warning of things to come.
  5. A little known but chilling precedent that should make iHeart employees think twice before doing a deal with the Evil Empire.
  6. What happens when an employee has a contract of any kind with iHeart – yes, yes, they break it in bankruptcy but this part is even worse than that if that’s possible.

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Brown, Milner, Pizzati & Walker on Berner’s S@#t List

INSIDE . . .

  1. How the Cumulus CEO is about to hold them to the fire.
  2. What she has in mind.
  3. Are they safe or are they toast.
  4. What Mary Berner is about to do to document ineffective market managers – this will be to the delight of her employees.
  5. Big changes are coming at Cumulus – details.

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