Elvis Duran

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            CBS Radio Cutbacks Begin

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Bob Pittman

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            CBS Radio Cutbacks Begin

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            iHeart’s Latest Bankruptcy Warning

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            Cumulus Trouble

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            Panic at Alpha Media

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CBS Radio Cutbacks Begin

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            Cumulus Trouble

            Panic at Alpha Media

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Entercom/CBS Merger Trouble

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            iHeart’s Latest Bankruptcy Warning

            Here’s What a Cumulus Bankruptcy Looks Like

            The Cumulus 23-Cent Stock

            Entercom/CBS Spins

            Cumulus Trouble

            CBS Radio Programming Changes Under Entercom

            Panic at Alpha Media

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iHeart’s Nuclear Option

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  • What’s really happening with iHeart debt?
  • Why go public saying that iHeart may run out of money this year?
  • What’s stopping lenders from taking a haircut knowing that they will lose their entire stake if Pittman & Bressler are not bluffing.
  • Are they bluffing?

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            Here’s What a Cumulus Bankruptcy Looks Like

            The Cumulus 23-Cent Stock

            Entercom/CBS Spins

            Cumulus Trouble

            CBS Radio Programming Changes Under Entercom

            Panic at Alpha Media

            Entravision Radio

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Here’s What a Cumulus Bankruptcy Looks Like

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  • How long will this expected bankruptcy take?  And when.
  • What happens to talent and management contracts?
  • Cumulus will get wide latitude to fire, but will they?
  • The post-bankruptcy Cumulus – stock, employees, stations, future.
  • Will Cumulus be able to get in on the Entercom/CBS spins?

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            The Cumulus 23-Cent Stock

            Entercom/CBS Spins

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            CBS Radio Programming Changes Under Entercom

            Panic at Alpha Media

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            The iHeart Re-Fi

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The Cumulus 23-Cent Stock

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  • Will Cumulus survive?
  • The likely answer on an eventual bankruptcy.
  • What’s more serious than their financial problems
  • Are they out of the running to buy Entercom/CBS spins?

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            Entercom/CBS Spins

            Cumulus Trouble

            CBS Radio Programming Changes Under Entercom

            Panic at Alpha Media

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            Lew Dickey's Next Venture

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Bill O’Reilly

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            Cumulus Trouble

            CBS Radio Programming Changes Under Entercom

            Panic at Alpha Media

            Entravision Radio

            The iHeart Re-Fi

            Lew Dickey's Next Venture

            The Cumulus RIFs

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Entercom/CBS Spins

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  • The name of the potential surprise buyer for some CBS Radio spinoffs
  • Which management is going to be retained
  • What other markets are for sale

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            Cumulus Trouble

            CBS Radio Programming Changes Under Entercom

            Panic at Alpha Media

            Entravision Radio

            The iHeart Re-Fi

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            The Cumulus RIFs

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Cumulus Trouble

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  • Mary Berner, high approval rating BUT …
  • Revealed:  Raises coming -- to the WRONG people
  • Say It Ain’t So:  How the end of toxic workplaces is starting to backfire
  • What market managers really want that they are not allowed to have

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            CBS Radio Programming Changes Under Entercom

            Panic at Alpha Media

            Entravision Radio

            The iHeart Re-Fi

            Lew Dickey's Next Venture

            The Cumulus RIFs

            The CBS Radio RIFs

            The Entercom/CBS Merger Challenge

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CBS Radio Programming Changes Under Entercom

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  • How the CBS Radio RIFs due to begin soon are critically different from the ones Entercom will implement in the last three months of this year.
  • Surprising big CBS Radio personalities are in harms way – here’s a sampling.
  • The current CBS format that will be most obliterated by the Entercom managers.
  • Who will be the most influential CBS program directors under Entercom.

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            Panic at Alpha Media

            Entravision Radio

            The iHeart Re-Fi

            Lew Dickey's Next Venture

            The Cumulus RIFs

            The CBS Radio RIFs

            The Entercom/CBS Merger Challenge

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Panic at Alpha Media

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  • Which station policies Alpha is about to do a 180 on – some as recently as now
  • Demands market managers, salespeople and programmers are going to hate
  • Which radio group Alpha is trying to pattern itself after

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            Entravision Radio

            The iHeart Re-Fi

            Lew Dickey's Next Venture

            The Cumulus RIFs

            The CBS Radio RIFs

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            Next Week's CBS Radio Cuts

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Entravision Radio

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            The CBS Radio RIFs

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            iHeart's Pre-Bankruptcy Play

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The iHeart Re-Fi

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            CBS Radio’s Big Traffic Mistake

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Lew Dickey’s Next Venture

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            The CBS Radio RIFs

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            Next Week's CBS Radio Cuts

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            CBS Radio’s Big Traffic Mistake

            Bankruptcy Dangers for iHeart & Cumulus Employees            

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            The CBS Radio RIFs

            The Entercom/CBS Merger Challenge

            Next Week's CBS Radio Cuts

            iHeart's Pre-Bankruptcy Play

            CBS Radio’s Big Traffic Mistake

            Bankruptcy Dangers for iHeart & Cumulus Employees            

            Westwood One Merger

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The CBS Radio RIFs

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            Next Week's CBS Radio Cuts

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            CBS Radio’s Big Traffic Mistake

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            Westwood One Merger

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The Entercom/CBS Merger Challenge

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  • Who is waiting in the wings to file a petition to deny the merger
  • Could the merger be called off and CBS remain independent from Entercom
  • Especially with double-digit first quarter losses in critical CBS Radio major markets

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            Next Week's CBS Radio Cuts

            iHeart's Pre-Bankruptcy Play

            CBS Radio’s Big Traffic Mistake

            Bankruptcy Dangers for iHeart & Cumulus Employees

            Westwood One Merger

            Mass Cutbacks Ordered At CBS Radio

            Entercom’s LA Fast One

            CBS Radio Revenue Tanking

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Next Week’s CBS Radio Cuts

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  • Details on how and where the cuts will be made and who will make them
  • The total mandated dollar amount depending on where the stations are
  • The prognosis for more CBS Radio cutbacks before the Entercom merger and delivers it’s promised $25 million in additional efficiencies

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            iHeart's Pre-Bankruptcy Play

            CBS Radio’s Big Traffic Mistake

            Bankruptcy Dangers for iHeart & Cumulus Employees

            Westwood One Merger

            Mass Cutbacks Ordered At CBS Radio

            Entercom’s LA Fast One

            CBS Radio Revenue Tanking

            Dickey's Resignation from the Cumulus Board

            Entercom Planning 2 Major Surprises

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iHeart’s Pre-Bankruptcy Play

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  • How CEO Pittman is taking active steps to prepare for bankruptcy
  • Who is being blindsided by the iHeart’s public denials
  • When will they file

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            CBS Radio’s Big Traffic Mistake

            Bankruptcy Dangers for iHeart & Cumulus Employees            

            Westwood One Merger

            Mass Cutbacks Ordered At CBS Radio

            Entercom’s LA Fast One

            CBS Radio Revenue Tanking

            Dickey's Resignation from the Cumulus Board

            Entercom Planning 2 Major Surprises

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Tomorrow is the Independent Radio Management Conference in Philadelphia. Find out what’s new, what’s working and what’s ahead for independent stations competing in the second wave of big consolidation. Reserve a seat (below).

April 5 Philly Conference Registration

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What’s New For Radio

  1. Amazon’s Alexa on Echo.
  2. Along with Apple CarPlay, Google Home and Android Audio reach 7% of our potential audience. Let’s figure this out, it’s important.
  3. Artificial intelligence – teens trust artificial intelligence (Siri, algorithms, Alexa, etc.) MORE than they trust media or humans. Solutions?
  4. Radio needs a “second stream” to counter TV’s “second screen”.
  5. Young people will reject anything radio does with commercials because it breaks the continuity. Wait! That’s how we monetize radio and streaming. Now what?
  6. 90% of car dealers’ radio ads don’t work and are a waste of money – new research.
  7. 68% of ALL local commercials are a waste of money according to new research but there is a way to make local commercials more effective.
  8. Being “unpredictable” is a major key to winning 18-34 year old Millennials – but radio is the most predictable medium of all. What to do?
  9. The station that cracks the “app code” for its content will be very successful with younger generations. Do you know what the “app code” is?
  10. Google’s unwillingness to protect advertisers from serving ads next to objectionable content (i.e., terrorist websites, porn, etc.) is an opportunity for radio but only with these changes.
  11. Student loans, jobs and dreams are central to winning Millennial audiences.
  12. 1 out of 5 minutes of all audio is happening on a smartphone.
  13. Podcasting is the way to reach them and yet radio accounts for only 1% of all podcast programs.

These are among the topics we will explore tomorrow at my Independent Radio Management Conference in Philadelphia.

And I can hardly wait to share Millennial powered sales ad promotions that big advertisers will support right now.

Learn about them and how to pitch them when we are together.

If these issues are as important to you as they are to many broadcasters, come to Philly on Wednesday – air, car, Amtrak (5 minutes from the station).

Invest from 9 to 4 pm tomorrow – Wednesday April 5 -- and we will start with what’s new, what’s working and what’s ahead.

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CBS Radio’s Big Traffic Mistake

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If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get …

  • Why the long-awaited shift away from iHeart’s Total Traffic is a disaster
  • What employees being recruited for CBS currently should know before they negotiate
  • What major change is coming that will affect CBS Radio’s traffic

A new subscription also unlocks these full articles …

            Bankruptcy Dangers for iHeart & Cumulus Employees            

            Westwood One Merger

            Mass Cutbacks Ordered At CBS Radio

            Entercom’s LA Fast One

            CBS Radio Revenue Tanking

            Dickey's Resignation from the Cumulus Board

            Entercom Planning 2 Major Surprises

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Wednesday – just two days from now – is the Independent Radio Management Conference in Philadelphia. Find out what’s new, what’s working and what’s ahead for independent stations competing in the second wave of big consolidation. Reserve a seat (below).

April 5 Philly Conference Registration

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Can Google’s Ad Problems Help Radio?

Google has been losing business left and right from major advertisers who don’t want their ads to show up with objectionable or offensive content.

Places like terrorist group content or porn sites – a buzz kill for advertisers who care about their image.

So far Google has been unwilling (perhaps also unable) to prevent serving ads to places where advertisers don’t want to be.

And advertisers have been strict about this because they believe you are known or even defined by the company you keep.

Google is holding fast against unhappy advertisers.

And the question arises can radio benefit from this?

Radio guarantees advertisers exactly where their content will be and it will be safe.

I’d like to say yes, but radio has a lot of work to do before it can benefit from some of the shortfalls of digital advertising.  There are others as the dew is off the lily for digital ad serving as we’ll discuss at our independent radio conference this Wednesday.

But still, radio has some problems to fix before asking disgruntled Google advertisers to increase their radio budgets.

  1. Radio has to first unlock Millennials who see radio as out of date, unnecessary and irrelevant to their 18-34 year old age group in the digital age.  You’ll see an expert on Millennials address how to get results on this next Wednesday.
  2. Better, more effective commercials must be offered by radio and as you’ll see after a special presentation this week, just this one thing – writing effective copy, using the right kind and number of voices and testing the advertising for effectiveness can increase a station’s advertising right now with or without a Google bump.
  3. Radio must change the way we speak to audiences and present content because advertisers want authenticity that radio does not presently have.

And I can hardly wait to share Millennial powered sales ad promotions that big advertisers will support right now.

Learn about them and how to pitch them when we are together.

If these issues are as important to you as they are to many broadcasters, come to Philly on Wednesday – air, car, Amtrak (5 minutes from the station).

Invest one day – Wednesday April 5 -- and we will start with what’s new, what’s working and what’s ahead.

View the Full Program here