YouTube Is The Next Radio

A survey of young people under 16 shows that the number one brand in their lives is YouTube.

YouTube beat out Hershey, Oreos and a bunch of other edibles but nothing is dearer to their hearts than YouTube.

If you have a young child, you already know this.

What you may not know is that YouTube – not radio, not traditional TV – is far and away the future of communication with this age group.

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If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. How YouTube stands to impact radio even as the industry has yet to figure out 18-34 year old Millennials.
  2. The surprising – and maybe shocking ways – the next generation is using YouTube.
  3. How teenagers are monetizing content by recording on an iPhone and selling product placement to radio advertisers.
  4. More revenue than most radio stations make from all their present digital initiatives put together.
  5. How long it takes a YouTuber to decide on whether to watch a particular video (take a guess).
  6. Advantages and one big disadvantage you will want to get ahead of.

The answers begin here.

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Alpha’s Money Problems

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get …

  1. Hey, what happened to live and local?
  2. How Alpha is acting like iHeart.
  3. Examples of cost cutting that would make Bob Pittman wet his pants in glee.
  4. The thing Alpha air talent is worried about most.
  5. Is this the end of Alpha?

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They’re Baack: CBS Radio Layoffs

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get …

  1. If I know about the next CBS Radio layoffs, then HR is working on it to hit around this date.
  2. Clues to who is at risk for being laid off.
  3. Whose jobs are safe.
  4. Why would such a good radio group cut more good people away.
  5. The next layoffs after this one – yes, they’re working on it.

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iHeart Attack: Poaching Competitor’s High Profile Sellers


  1. You’ve never seen compensation packages like these --- no, correction, iHeart’s existing salespeople have never seen compensation packages like these.
  2. How big revenue producers are promised the world.
  3. The catch.
  4. iHeart’s real motivation for hitting below the belt.
  5. The terms of one of their actual job offers.
  6. Shocker: what happens if you turn iHeart down.

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Where The Radio Jobs Are

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Pandora’s Decline

INSIDE . . .

  • Younger audiences find Pandora boring.
  • Spotify is preferred but it has a heap of trouble.
  • Out of contract with the major record labels who want higher music licensing fees.
  • Great opportunity for radio except for the repetitious music, hype and 16 minutes of commercials per hour.
  • YouTube is the replacement for streaming music and hit radio.

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The Rumors About Sean Hannity

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The CBS Radio Surprise Suitors


We all may be looking in the wrong place for the next CBS Radio station buyers.

They are right in front of our eyes but we tend to see the desperate buyers like Entercom’s David Field instead maybe because he’s so blatantly desperate to grow.

Imagine that, growing a radio group with all the debt it entails in an industry that is doing nothing but contracting.

And the destabilization that is about to come will uproot good operators who are still trying to fight these incompetents who are driving down ad rates and forcing market changes even on them.

  • Who are 2 surprise radio buyers for CBS Radio that nobody ever mentions even though they could be CBS employees’ next boss.
  • How CBS will accommodate greedy suckers who have their eyes on certain specific CBS local markets. Yes, there’s a strategy for that, too.
  • What’s more attractive to Les Moonves than even money in unloading the entire radio division – understand this and you’ve got it.
  • Details on the destabilization of the radio industry that will happen when buyers overreach to add prime properties that they plan to strip to the core.

Read the full article now.

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Shock Turnaround – iHeart Recruiting Local Sellers


  1. Why? They’ve been touting programmatic buying for years now.
  2. The extent of iHeart’s recruiting.
  3. Where they are likely to steal key account execs for local sales positions.
  4. What this means for competitors.
  5. Warning: They’ve done this before and here’s what eventually happened.
  6. How iHeart is going all out to dramatically increase the size of sales forces in local markets.

Read the full article now.

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What’s Wrong At Townsquare


  1. How the heck did Townsquare get MSG to buy 12% of their sliding stock?
  2. What’s killing the company that proudly says it is not a radio group.
  3. What MSG and Townsquare are up to which radio people may not appreciate.
  4. And while we’re at it, what ever happened to their Clownsquare entertainment and events division?
  5. Why the future of Townsquare is not what their owners are leading you to believe what it is.

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Randy James Fitzsimmons Faked His Death


  1. How the hell did this onetime Randy Michaels/Jacor PD pull this off.
  2. Where he was arrested and what he was charged with. 
  3. Randy’s attempts to defraud – I should know, here’s how he tried to do it to me.
  4. His ruse.
  5. Randy alive and well on a bank cam pic.

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Cumulus Local Programming Shakeup Coming

But you can’t get any dumber than Cumulus is tripling down on their chief programming dud Mike McVay.

Nice guy.

Wine aficionado.

Bon vivant.


Ok, not the vichyssoise part. It’s the only French word I know other than lingerie.

What the hell is Cumulus doing to itself?

If you are already a subscriber, thank you for joining our group. Just click through and unlock the content.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get …

  1. Brutal Yelp comments about Mike McVay’s programming moves – a link for your reading pleasure.
  2. Changes ahead to local morning shows. Wait until you see what these geniuses are planning.
  3. Big personalities are out but in addition to national syndication, here is a scary new replacement option.
  4. Changes to local music playlists.
  5. How commercial stop sets will change at Cumulus.

Read the full article now.

If you would like to read this story now, choose an option to access my entire archive (3,400 stories) and get daily email delivery, click here for your choices.

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A Man For a Woman Again At Cumulus

Cumulus has a 35% turnover rate and a reputation for mistreating people that goes back to the Dickeys.

So would you believe me if I told you that in spite of their public efforts to fix their toxic workplace and hire those evil women that the Dickeys seem to detest, nothing has really changed.

In just the past month, a man replaces a woman at an executive position again.

Forget the glass ceiling at Cumulus.

They’re not even allowed in the room.

Yet the latest insults were done under the radar until a tipster entered the anonymity of my Witness Protection Program to reveal the dirty details.

If you are already a subscriber, thank you for joining our group. Just click through and unlock the content.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get …

  1. How Cumulus keeps firing women under the radar – we’re calling out the latest one in a major market very recently. We’re not talking about Bumfuck here.
  2. The bait and switch that took place upon hiring.
  3. We’re naming names and yes, Mike McVay is involved in this man for a woman switch right under the nose of his boss, the woman CEO Mary Berner.       She’s mad, right?
  4. The lowdown on equal pay for the fired PD – stop that laughing!! I’ll report the salary, you decide whether to keep laughing.
  5. How this woman PD was undermined for three years – including in these two very important programming areas.
  6. You’ll never guess who winds up with her job. Okay, I’ll tell you – it’s a man. But hold your nose, even that part smells. Details.

If you would like to read this story, choose an option to access my entire archive (3,400 stories) and get daily email delivery, click “READ MORE” for your choices (below).

The tipster on this story was awarded $100 and remains anonymous in my Witness Protection Program. And is living in Tucson under a new name. Okay, that’s a lie, but the $100 part is true.

Talk to Jerry privately here.

Disappearing Audiences

What can be done to stop audience erosion from radio, network and cable TV, online and print journalism?

  1. How we are driving audiences away but no one more than radio.
  2. The latest ways radio is making audiences disappear.
  3. How to fix it.
  4. What one thing audiences tell us they want and no station is willing to give them. Start with this one.
  5. A list of fixable mistakes that can encourage audiences to keep listening.

Read the full article now.

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The Scary Way McVay Hires Women at Cumulus

INSIDE . . .

  1. Would you take a used job from this man? Read this horror story.
  2. What to be careful of if you are a female considering employment at Cumulus.
  3. Another vivid example of why Cumulus can’t hang on to employees.
  4. We’ll name the market and the people doing the screwing in their outreach to women employees.
  5. One of the few times Cumulus will absolutely NOT fire an employee – be this person you’ve got security for life.
  6. Examples of apparent blatant gender discrimination right from Cumulus emails.

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Bye-Bye RAB

INSIDE . . .

  1. Why the RAB has decided to no longer publish revenue reports for the industry it advocates.
  2. 5 things the RAB must start doing now that it has avoided for years – and you see what happened.
  3. The perfect person to run the RAB that would kick ass and take names – hire this person now.
  4. Which three lost revenue opportunities for radio the RAB has overlooked.
  5. Why it’s “game over” for radio in marketing to younger, larger audiences if the RAB doesn’t get stations to fix this.

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iHeart Ready to Implode

INSIDE . . .

  1. Eye popping revelations of their real quarterly losses.
  2. How long can they continue to carry $21 billion in debt without having to file for bankruptcy.
  3. What damage angry lenders can do to the company.
  4. What they plan to do about declining and aging audiences.
  5. Why even loyal iHeart execs are worried about how they now make managers disappear in thin air.
  6. What one thing that could push the bankruptcy button (it’s something not presently on the radar).

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Entercom Ready To Blow Up Another Major Market Station

INSIDE . . .

  1. Dangerous David Field is becoming unhinged – here’s what he’s up to.
  2. And when.
  3. You won’t believe where unless you work for him or compete against him.
  4. Details on mass employee layoffs that will result – here’s your heads up.
  5. Bush league programming most people would never put in a major market – details.

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The Beasley Greater Media Deal No One Knows

INSIDE . . .

  1. The real value of the Greater Media purchase -- not the published price.
  2. Was a lot of money left on the table?
  3. The real financing package to acquire Greater Media.
  4. Will Beasley still be able to buy the CBS Radio stations it covets?
  5. Did Caroline Beasley pick up the phone last November and ask Peter Smythe, do you want to sell your group or how did this thing really go down?

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Entercom to Target Cheap Mornings

INSIDE . . .

  1. Why this is the year of the disappearing morning personality.
  2. How groups looking to buy CBS stations (like Entercom and others) are planning to afford them on the backs of employees.
  3. What’s really behind the departure of Mark Thompson from Entercom’s only LA station.
  4. Why even getting higher ratings is no longer enough to save a morning show – the evidence is apparent.
  5. What is causing the death of the morning show as we know it and where this goes next.

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The Gary Pizzati Departure

INSIDE . . .

  1. Was Gary Pizzati fired or did he really retire?
  2. What prompted Pizzati’s departure.
  3. Will he be replaced?
  4. First alert: what kind of radio group can Pizzati wind up at next? Let me name one.
  5. Will other Cumulus corporate execs be “retired”?
  6. Is Mike McVay’s job safer today because of Pizatti’s departure?
  7. Big changes ahead for the way Cumulus market managers work – details.

Read the full article now.

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Death by Commercials

INSIDE . . .

  1. The radio group that is about to commit audience suicide with this insane way to handle commercials.
  2. How thinking like Nielsen PPM is killing stations that are not even clients.
  3. A powerful example of how program directors are being separated from actual listeners when it comes to commercials.
  4. The sweet spot for commercial loads based on input from young people.
  5. The type of commercial nobody of any generation can resist – and that’s saying a lot in a world where listeners are bombarded by lousy commercials.
  6. For the few stations that actually care to get results for advertisers, here’s the best way and it doesn’t cost a penny.

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