Potential Buyer Awaits Audacy Bankruptcy

Yes, the CBS merger assets are so attractive that at “clearance prices” a welcomed Audacy shakeup could happen …

This is about the behind-the-scenes negotiations to save Audacy or at the very least clear out the current administration and start over.

You’ll read thoughts on …

  • The thing Audacy has on its side that could get lenders off their backs and let them continue to run the company.
  • The potential buyer who is waiting with investment capital to be part of the solution – we’ll name him.
  • The scenario in which David Field is retained by Audacy, paid more money BUT a new CEO is brought in– a possibility lenders have on their side.
  • Which page from the Cumulus bankruptcy playbook is Audacy focusing on.
  • Let’s be honest here from what those familiar with the situation know – how unhappy are Audacy lenders, wanting new-blood angry or second-chance angry.

The answers start here 

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