Calculating Audacy’s Bankruptcy Date

At long last, it’s now possible to get a pretty good line on when Audacy will file for bankruptcy …

They’re just about screaming out loud “we are filing for bankruptcy” after years of denying it and lately warning of not being a “going concern”.

Important info you won’t want to miss …

  • How to calculate Audacy’s filing date accurately
  • The CEO’s current thinking about throwing himself on the mercy of the bankruptcy court.
  • These revealing behind-the-scenes indicators
  • The meaning behind their skipped $18 million interest payment
  • If you own their stock
  • What happens to COO Susan Larkin post-bankruptcy

The answers start here 

Click to read: Horizontal Radio MonopoliesRelaxation of Ownership Rules is Back OnPotential Buyer Awaits Audacy BankruptcyNew SiriusXMWhat’s Stalling the Audacy ReorganizationIs Radio Ready for a Comeback?Younger Demos Want These Radio ChangesSurge Pricing for RadioStupid On-Air AI TricksHow Nielsen is Killing Audience GainsiHeart Fast-tracking AI at Stations

Newstips here.

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