Audacy Asset Sales Coming Next

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  • Bye, bye 1010 WINS and a group of other stations – the new owner’s aggressive sales plan.
  • But not FM stations, right?
  • The first indication that they plan to do a Cumulus-type WPLJ selloff of properties – and most importantly, the timetable.
  • What’s not for sale – that’s a good question, but there is a good answer.
  • What happens to podcasting and digital beyond what the outgoing Field regime is publicly saying.
  • A new CEO is coming -- look at what scorched lenders actually got Field to insert in the pre-pack agreement to guarantee it.
  • How the first-tier lenders rammed language down David Field’s throat to make him sing for his supper.
  • This is a real bankruptcy despite the fact that it is agreed to – Audacy already needs a $57 million loan to hold it over just until the court and FCC approve the bankruptcy – details.

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