iHeart – The Next 3 Months

iHeart’s Rich Bressler’s nose grew like Pinocchio when he talked about the future of the company.

The most believable of the outrageous things he told a Morgan Stanley meeting is that he and Bob Pittman are committed to keeping expenses flat.

We now know how they plan to do it.

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If you’ve been considering subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. Specifically how Bressler and Pittman plan to keep their promise to investors to flatten expenses.
  2. Why the next three months are the most critical of the year to management.
  3. You’ll find that the much touted programmatic buying that iHeart champions will have virtually no effect on cutting expenses over the short haul. Here’s what will.
  4. The reason behind all those “Help Wanted” ads you are about to see for iHeart positions – and what to be cautious of if you’re thinking about applying.
  5. Two jobs iHeart is rethinking as they flatten expenses further.

The answers start here.

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My next media conference is April 6, 2016 in Philadelphia.