Huge Clear Channel Programming RIF in May

Here’s an important heads up.

Clear Channel will begin its programming RIF within weeks.

They are sick f#@ks because Clear Channel execs are actually bragging about the RIFs to – of all people – their competitors.

The May layoffs will be a little different but victims will be just as out of work.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. How many programming people are being targeted.
  2. Why Bain bean counters are directing the firings this time instead of local managers.
  3. Which 5 programming positions are getting cut.
  4. Which programming jobs have the most security – at least for 3 to 6 more months.
  5. How much money Clear Channel will save – at last we have a number to put it in perspective.
  6. Are the sales RIFs that started two weeks ago finally over.

Access this story now and try a monthly subscription here.

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This article was made possible by information from several sources close to the situation. When you report news, you are automatically in my Witness Protection Program, which has never revealed a source. 

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Steve Mills is a highly talented air personality for Clear Channel in Allentown, PA. He has company health insurance but has medical bills that occurred before his health insurance kicked in for stage three cancer.  His fundraiser site is  He’s one of our brethren.  Whatever you can do to help will be most appreciated.