Earnings Fallout: Up To 1,000 Layoffs Coming

I always thought Rupert Murdoch was 21st Century Fox.

But after reviewing Lew Dickey’s Cumulus earning’s call yesterday, Tricky Dickey is the 21st century fox.

Lew can’t tell the truth if his life depended on it.

And when the happy talk radio trade press reports how well Cumulus did again in the 2nd quarter, they either don’t know or would rather be in Lew’s social circle.

It’s flat out false.

I’ll get to that in a second, but first consider this.

Radio is headed for 2014 in the red.

Finally, the dying industry can’t even lie its way to another flat year.

That’s because advertisers are mandating digital buys.

Radio doesn’t have digital buys – just add-ons, streaming and weak offerings.

Radio uses digital to allow buyers to cut their radio rate so they are forced to carry more spots and drive away listeners because these cheap commercials run in two unlistenable 8-minute stop sets.

I’ve been saying this since consolidation and it is almost anti-American to say that a bunch of morons are ruining radio.

Now almost everyone agrees.

Except for one thing.

Those morons keep getting rich and everyone else keeps getting fired.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. What’s really killing radio – and it’s reversible if it is done right now.
  2. I’ve just gotten intelligence of the biggest radio layoff ever that is going to happen by the end of this year.
  3. The radio group that will initiate these record firings.
  4. The poor folks who will be goners.
  5. The accurate projected real end of year radio losses for 2014 to track the firings ahead industry-wide.

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