Dickey’s New Strategy: Tank the Ratings

Don’t get Lew Dickey mad or he’ll fire you.

Even if you don’t get him mad, he’ll still fire you.

New corporate strategy:  claim tanking the ratings was their intended goal.

If you work for one of his former Citadel stations, Lew’s coming to get you big time as you are about to see.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. What Dickey plans to do with remaining morning talent – in fact, he just showed his cards recently so you can expect more of the same.
  2. Why Dickey is holding back just a little longer before he blows the lid off of the former Citadel stations.
  3. How much longer – here’s the answer.
  4. Listen carefully to what Dickey tells Wall Street analysts about why the company failed to make its 1st quarter numbers – he will be describing the new Cumulus.
  5. Doomsday Dickey Scenario!  One of Lew’s trusted employees is going to sue him and not settle for any price before a jury hears the case – read my prediction and why.

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This article was made possible by information from several sources close to the situation. When you report news, you are automatically in my Witness Protection Program, which has never revealed a source. 

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See Philly conference pics on Jerry’s Instagram