Clear Channel Signs Off On New Kind of RIFs

CEO Bob Pittman’s new creation is “The Combo RIF”.

Three ways to fire more employees all at once.

And he has signed off on it as it comes to a radio station near you.


If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. How these new layoffs will devastate previously protected workers.
  2. Will some markets be spared – majors, regionals, neither?
  3. Why the “combo RIF” and not just the usual layoffs.
  4. The exact date of the cutbacks from a source working on the RIF.
  5. Plus – bad news for sellers.  No not more commission cuts.  Worse.

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This article was made possible from those close to the layoffs at Clear Channel. When you have news to report, you are automatically in my Witness Protection Program, which has never revealed a source. 

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