Clear Channel Fraud: “Actors” Calling Talk Stations

How bad IS this?

One employee accused Clear Channel of turning talk radio into “nothing more than WWE wrestling”. 

And, “As we left the office we felt like we had just sat down with a drug dealer”.

A blatant attempt to phony up the ratings, fool listeners and hoodwink unsuspecting advertisers.

Talk talent pressured to use fake callers or as they call them “actors” to go all ballistic on-the-air.

Finally, The Evil Empire has been snagged so bad!

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If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. The actual dialogue used to pressure air talent into pretending that “actors” were real callers – it’s surreal.
  2. How the fraud worked – all the details.  Fake telephone numbers and trumped up topics plus this even more over the top demand.
  3. Be there!  First person accounts of the tense meeting that played out as it turned ugly and disgusting. 
  4. How widespread was the push to use fake “actors” to hype PPM ratings for Clear Channel talk stations.
  5. Plus, a chilling reenactment!  Clear Channel’s actual pitch, the response from talent in a tense meeting brought back alive by people who were there.

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