The Dreaded Clear Channel “Market Efficiency Call”

You won’t believe it, but Wonder Boy has invented a catchy Bain name for his new way of firing employees under the radar.

And as you’ll see, he plans to use it a lot between now and the end of the year.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. Self-firing – you heard me right – self-firing, how Clear Channel is forcing employees out the door and adding them to their layoff target list.
  2. Pretend you are the market manager – here’s what the corporate clowns at Clear Channel are going to force you to do.
  3. The ingenious way local managers will be mandated to fire more people on a dime – no notice, no input – just this dreaded email that arrives without notice.
  4. The way Bob Pittman intends to stagger the next massive firings according to this plan.
  5. And the one thing everyone in Clear Channel wants to know right now!  How to defend yourself against this new round of random firings.

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