The Dirty David DuBose, Summit Mess

Why is everyone acting like Clear Channel and Cumulus these days?

I thought they hated them.

As I’ve been fearing, the smaller groups that were supposed to be saving radio from the likes of these evildoers are turning out to be not much better.

Take what happened to David DuBose, the man who built the Birmingham cluster for Cox and then helped former Heftel exec Carl Parmer and a local investment group put the deal together to buy Birmingham and some other smaller markets from Cox who worked for them for years.

Now DuBose is the bad guy and the investment people are the saints.

Not so fast.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. How DuBose’s boss, a friend since 1st grade and godfather to his son, managed to fire his pal like he was John Dickey.
  2. The down low on the not-ready for prime time owners who haven’t been in radio for decades.
  3. Two possible motivations why Parmer wanted to fire the only man who knew how to run a radio station in the company.
  4. The dirty deal on their employment contracts that conveniently allowed a Cumulus-type “lynching”.
  5. Flying lawsuits and EEOC complaints that have broken out.

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