Disturbing New Clear Channel Hiring Practices

“Breaking Bad” Bob Pittman is acting like he just got the diagnosis that radio is terminal and he’s turning to a life of killing off the very industry that was responsible for making his own bad self the “founder” of MTV.

You won’t believe what he’s got Clear Channel doing to replace all the people he’s firing.

So, here’s the new routine for Clear Channel and you’ll be seeing a lot more of this in the days to come.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. The most desirable type of person Clear Channel is now seeking to fill high profile managerial positions.
  2. The new, bigger and better titles that are being offered to recruit this new age Clear Channel employee.
  3. How they’ve changed their position just recently on who makes the best radio executive.
  4. What you can expect going forward – how many new hires versus the number laid off.
  5. And suddenly, the one thing Clear Channel cannot resist on a resume.

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