Cumulus Bombshell Coming Next Week

Here is 7 days advanced warning for fireworks to be set off at Cumulus and I don’t mean a July 4th celebration.

The Dickeys are making a huge move with implications that will affect their current staff and the size of that staff in the future.

Lew Dickey declaring independence from more employees.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. The move that will launch a ton of layoffs.  No one saw this coming.
  2. The new way corporate will be making local decisions.
  3. This is bigger than syndication – and it’s scarier.  Clear Channel has toyed with this kind of move but hasn’t had the guts to go where Cumulus is going next week.
  4. How the groundwork is already laid to expand what you’re going to see happen by July 4th.
  5. If you’re wondering why now!  This explains it all and gives you a roadmap to what Cumulus is planning to shakeup next in talk, music and sports.

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It’s worth it!  You can’t get honest and insightful media information like this anywhere else. Thousands of members are all in.  Unlock this story and see for yourself.

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