Clear Channel Pay Raises To Precede Fall Layoffs

This is Bob Pittman’s ingenious plan to spin more fall layoffs as a pay raise first.

The good news is that finally, some Clear Channel employees will get raises.

The bad news is that seniority takes a backseat to favoritism because the chosen ones are in line for raises.

And to pay for them, more jobs will have to be eliminated quickly after.

Ugly details revealed here.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. Who gets raises and who does not including exempt job categories.
  2. Clear Channel’s one caveat – this is not a done deal yet.
  3. The Bain Approach:  the outrageous way Clear Channel will determine who is worthy of a pay raise. 
  4. When the first raises are set to begin along with when the first fall layoffs will start.
  5. And how big both will be.

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