Clear Channel Employee Crackup

A meltdown occurred at Clear Channel’s Sacramento cluster and scary in so many ways not the least of which is that good people are now beginning to break under the pressure.

You won’t see this documented account in the Rah-Rah Radio press. 

It’s too ugly and Clear Channel does not want it to get out.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

1.  An eyewitness account of the meltdown of an outstanding 20-year Clear Channel vet.

2.  Toxic conditions leading up to the meltdown.

3.  The disgusting excuse station management gave its other employees.

4.  Clear Channel’s bizarro follow-up to the toxic workplace the next day.

5.  Warning signs being ignored:  Several suicides that may be directly related to workplace stress are being covered up by radio companies.

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