6 Things You Didn’t Know About iHeartRadio

Okay, when I tell you that the iHeartRadio statistics that Bob Pittman happily spreads around as fact is an over estimation of total audience, you’re reaction might be “Who don’t know that?”

But, thanks to a source so deep you’d find their body at the bottom of the Schuylkill River with a brick tied to each foot for what I am going to share with you.

Not only are those numbers phony baloney, the great part of them is attributable to one program.

Not a bunch of their higher-rated radio stations because, after all, who wants to hear 16 minutes of commercials that sounds like twice that much on a streaming music app.

This is the dirty little secret Pittman keeps hidden and for good reason.

If this one source of iHeartMedia disappears somehow, some way – they are left with virtually nothing else.

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