This Station Will Double Its TSL

Here is a station that will double its TSL.

And even they haven’t gone far enough.

I want my subscribers to have this information and see a path toward increasing audience cume and time spent listening.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. Music – a radical new way to mix up playlists and get more new music in and do it safely enough not to lose TSL – in fact, you’ll gain it.
  2. Commercials – The sweet spot.  Stop farting around with commercial loads.  Go right to this and make your rates reflect what you need to make lots of dough.
  3. Imaging – This station that I am telling you about will double its TSL and it is still loosing audience by embracing imaging I know you are going to want to avoid.
  4. Pandora Competition – What to do to make these changes Pandora-proof meaning popular streaming music services can’t copy you.
  5. Genres – The surprising evidence as to which music formats can have a crack at doubling their TSL and which cannot.

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