Being a Jersey boy I am fond of saying that if you build a $10 million estate in rundown Camden, New Jersey, you are still constructing a very expensive mansion in a blighted location.
That’s getting to be true of radio as well.
Radio carpetbaggers are making our industry a blighted area.
With CBS Radio looking more like Clear Channel firing lots of great people before the holidays, what big group will be left to battle “cuts comes first” companies like Clear Channel and Cumulus and put a positive face on this industry?
I mean, CBS is firing salespeople, too! And they have great ones.
Hello, Pandora!
When you get in the wholesale business of voluntarily giving away your best assets, it eventually hurts the good operators that remain.
And that’s YOU!
But there’s reason to be positive if we’re willing to be shrewd.
The big boys (and they have very few women or else they’d be better off) are stuck in the radio rut.
You can still do good radio but you’ll also need a new strategy because as John Edwards used to say about two Americas, there are now two radio industries. (I can’t believe I used John Edwards). You get the point. Sean, don’t hold it against me!
And a simultaneous second track of revenue from digital media and no, I don’t mean streaming your on-air content.
I’m working to pull it all together for my Philly seminar that will feature arguably one of the best radio operators in the nation. Jerry Lee beats the pants off his large competitors with one station and you’ll go one on one with him as he joins the faculty. He’s not lecturing or speaking, he’ll be teaching.
Jerry Lee is doing what good radio operators are going to have to do more of – let the big boys hang themselves and clean up on all the money they are leaving on the table with their ill-conceived savings.
Boosting revenue on existing advertisers – programs to help them super achieve.
And I’m supposed to be an expert on generational media so I’m going to step up and show you some new avenues that will appeal to Millennials – video that makes millions of dollars and costs next to nothing to produce. No banner ads, no product placement fees, no commercials and no paid subscriptions.
It’s even better than that!
I’ll play a video for you and share the secret and you’ll want to run home and start your own, but you’ll have to be there because this conference is never streamed or made available for viewing later.
We’re going to drill down on 7 key areas.
This is for companies that plan to do excellent radio and develop cash flow from new media even if their cost-cutting competitors are stinking up the industry.
Here’s just one learning module.
Key Strategies To Protect Your Radio Station
- How to earn 50% of your station’s total billing in just 4 hours
- Why in most cases weather and traffic are a waste of time (there are major exceptions) but … what to offer routinely as exclusive content in its place
- How to do more live and local programming on the same budget as voice tracking
- The 2 things radio must do right now to make it a growth industry again
- Take a first peek at the radio station of the future in the digital age (if you like it, you can have it right now – or your competitor can).
- Cheaper and better alternatives to voice tracking
- How to put a “lock” on your 25 biggest advertisers
- What to do to protect against audience erosion
- How to get advertisers to pay more and actually increase their budgets before ever looking at your ratings (and, yes, and they won’t even insist on digital add-ons, either) – MoreFM (formerly B-101 owner Jerry Lee in person to tell you how.
- Best thinking on translators/FM sub channels – worth it or not?
- Challenges and opportunities ahead in direct media buying that major groups are set to impose on radio
Ask about your company underwriting scholarships
Act to book an on-site room at The Rittenhouse Hotel while still available at special conference rates. Breakfast, lunch and all breaks included. This event will not be available by stream or video – only live and in person.
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