March 26th Philly Conference

My upcoming fifth annual Media Solutions seminar is March 26th.

I want to thank all those who have already registered and those of you who are also sending groups of attendees. 

This year can be a great one for you if you plan to work in radio and digital media.

So much is changing almost by the month and there are many additional skills sets to acquire to be at your best.

This conference is especially relevant because it focuses on the two most important issues our industry faces:

  • How to do great radio when competitors are cheapening the brand
  • Unlocking better digital solutions that create an additional revenue stream

That’s why I’ve created 7 modules of curriculum for the one-day teaching event.

  1. Disrupting radio before a digital competitor does (they’re already stealing local radio buys and are the largest ad growth sector).
  2. Master digital.  It’s not brain surgery but believe it or not, no one in radio is doing digital the right way.
  3. Becoming accomplished at social media.  Let Facebook and Twitter go, that’s not social media now.
  4. Reinvent radio.  On-demand is in; broadcasting is fighting the new trend, where does that leave radio?  Strategies, ideas and inspirations.
  5. Launch short-form video.  Just because you’re in the audio business doesn’t mean you can’t be an expert at profitable short-form video.  I will reveal how some are earning millions from a 5-minute weekly video.
  6. Attract Millennials.  No getting around this fact – without 95 million Millennials, the oldest of whom are already 30 and well into the money demo, radio is just spinning its wheels.  I’ve devoted the last ten years to generational media.  You’ll know what I know.
  7. Adapt to time-shifting radio.  Miss this opportunity and radio is mired in the past.  How to time-shift on-air programming (there are new rules to this game) as well as digital.

I’m making lots of time for questions, answers and plenty of interaction.

This event will not be available by stream or video – only live and in person. 

I can’t wait to share my enthusiasm and knowledge with you in person.

Reserve a seat

Inquire about group rates

Inquire about sponsorships

If you’d like to stay on-site at The Rittenhouse Hotel at special conference rates, inquire about availability ASAP.  Breakfast, lunch and all breaks included. Conference starts at 8am with breakfast and ends at 4 pm.