What’s amazing is that the radio industry always focuses on formats that they are already doing – never something new.
They may make changes to, say, adult contemporary by offering a softer version as Entercom and others are trying to do now with “The Breeze” but essentially it’s a spinoff of what radio already does shifting listeners from one format to another almost like it.
Therefore, it should be no surprise that in an industry that doesn’t fully grasp that streaming music services and not other radio stations are now their chief competitors, it is long overdue to come up with a few new radio formats that only a radio station can do.
Here are 4 totally new, never done before radio formats that have a revenue stream of eager advertisers waiting to support them.
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The Dickey session Conclave video --
- What happened at Cumulus under the Dickey's control -- regrets, successes, etc.
- How radio will necessarily become an on-demand business rather than the current linear one-to-many broadcasting model (Lew Dickey wrote a book on this topic and the audience was interestingly receptive to this view).
- The future of jobs in what eventually will be the Third Evolution of Radio (from its inception, competing with television and now on-demand digital).
The session was live streamed but in case you missed it and would like to watch, click here.
John Dickey, Jerry Del Colliano, Lori Lewis, Lew Dickey
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