That iHeart Talk Rumor

You know that iHeart is dumping talk from flagship WOR, New York.

Just back from a visit to the greatest city in the world so, as Paul Harvey used to say, “standby for news”.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. What’s going on – iHeart pushed off its best Premiere talk talent to Cumulus in the Bay Area to free up a station for cheap music programming and now this?
  2. You won’t believe the rumored format replacement for talk at WOR.
  3. Not worried because your talk station is not in New York? These confirmed iHeart plans will make you worry.
  4. What has pissed off Pittman so badly that he’s rethinking talk?
  5. The other Clear Channel formats that aren’t worth a chance in hell of surviving.

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