Solutions To Radio’s 12 Biggest Problems

  1. Too Many Commercials – How spots are scheduled can make a difference.       Also, the length of spots in each stop set.
  2. What To Do with 70 Million Baby Boomers -- All the focus is on young money demo Millennials. Ignore baby boomers, target them or discover what the two disparate groups have in common.
  3. Music Radio TSL Losses -- Prevent music radio listening declines due to streaming music services such as Pandora, Spotify and even YouTube, the biggest source of new music for young people by changing the way playlists are put together.
  4. Eliminating the 3 Biggest Listener Objections To Radio – Too many lousy commercials, outdated morning shows and playing the same repetitive music. Focus on three new features to replace traffic, time checks and weather.
  5. Music That Is Too Repetitive – Two new strategies. One adds more new music without watering down the hits. The better approach is to rip up the traditional playlist and present the music differently.
  6. How To Get Listeners To Listen Longer – TSL has been down every year since the early 90’s. Under-30’s don’t even listen to any song all the way through even though music radio is built on the assumption that if you play the right songs, the audience will stay tuned in. Now, there is a way to keep listeners from straying and it isn’t longer music sweeps.
  7. Selling Against Competitors Who Cut Their Rates – Most of the major groups have given in on rates making it hard for independent competitors to hold the line. But there is an easy way and better yet the big competitors won’t do it.
  8. Turn-Ons & Turn-Offs. Change the way you speak to audiences, dangerous sweepers, surprising words that turn off young audiences when used on the air, etc.
  9. How To Attract Millennials To Radio – Demographers have discovered 5 things that Millennials crave. Do these 5 things every hour of every day and radio becomes more relevant to the 95 million members of this age group.
  10. What To Do About the Digital Dashboard – What folks are missing is that the only thing that has changed is more competitors for fewer pre-sets.  Consider ways to win a place on the pre-sets rather than take on the issue of digital dashboards.
  11. The Decline of News & Talk – Two staple radio formats are seeing audiences erode or attracting unsellable aging demographics. It’s not likely owners will be launching new news stations and less likely that traditional radio talk formats will be successfully launched on the old model. But don’t miss this glimmer of hope – a spoken word format that young money demos actually want.
  12. The Demise of AM Radio – By the time the FCC gets around to helping AM owners it will be too late. Is it even possible for anyone under 60 to locate or listen to an AM station?  I’ll answer that. No. But AM could do to FM what radio did to it.

Digital Media Solutions …

  1. Storytelling Instead of Podcasting
  2. Start a Short-Form Video Revenue Stream
  3. What’s in the Social Media Pipeline After Facebook and Twitter
  4. Create Bingeing Audio Opportunities
  5. Replace the Money-Losing Station Websites with this Digital Opportunity

Independent broadcasters and digital entrepreneurs are invited to the 6th annual Media Solutions Seminar at the Hub Conference Center March 18th in Philadelphia, walking distance from Amtrak’s 30th Street Station and 20 minutes from Philadelphia International Airport.

Buffet breakfast, lunch and all breaks prepared by James Beard award-winning chef Jean-Marie Lacroix, former executive chef at The Four Seasons included.

Register Now

Contact Jerry about the conference and group rates here.