Relaxation of Ownership Rules Is Back On

But why is the NAB pushing more consolidation when so many consolidators are going bankrupt?  Suing the FCC, angering their biggest group members …

Today, I’m going to spell out the irony and desperation that actually thinks more debt is worth fighting for and the dangers that come with it.

You’ll read a few thoughts on …

  • Who benefits most if ownership limits are relaxed.
  • And who gets hurt the most because there are groups that would be in harm’s way.
  • The story behind iHeart’s rethinking of consolidation.
  • What would expanding stations mean to Cumulus and Audacy both struggling to stay above water.
  • We’ll go down the list: Urban One, Salem, Beasley and the mid-range groups, how does expansion help them.
  • And the disaster that could hit Saga, yes Saga if they were allowed to expand in their current markets or add new ones.
  • One more thing we’ll get into – what about Townsquare, they have the best financials doing “digital first”, do they get into radio deeper?

The answers start here

Click to read: Audacy on the ClockPotential Buyer Awaits Audacy BankruptcyNew SiriusXMWhat’s Stalling the Audacy ReorganizationIs Radio Ready for a Comeback?Younger Demos Want These Radio ChangesSurge Pricing for RadioStupid On-Air AI TricksHow Nielsen is Killing Audience GainsiHeart Fast-tracking AI at StationsBlocking TikTok’s Knockout Punch to Radio

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Hear Jerry on Michael Harrison’s podcast discussing today’s youth culture and its potential application in both the radio and music businesses looking to appeal to younger demos – Listen here