Clear Channel’s War On Management

Of the top 75 market managers, and 21 key corporate people (SVPs, Programming VPs, Finance, etc.) who were in place the day John Hogan took over for Randy Michaels 11 years ago, guess how many are still in that job?

You’ve heard of ethnic cleansing? 

This is unethical cleansing and according to sources within Clear Channel Bob Pittman’s war against managers also includes women.

Talk about “best practices” going so wrong.

If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. Details on the biggest corporate employee enema in the history of consolidated radio. 
  2. Allegations of widespread discrimination against women in the Clear Channel boys club. 
  3. How Clear Channel tolerates and some argue encourages a toxic workplace.
  4. A chilling description of sexual harassment from our Witness Protection Program.  Sex, pregnancy, broken marriage – it’s all in there and tolerated by The Evil Empire.
  5. One incident reportedly involves a top Clear Channel executive – as in use your imagination as to which one. 

Access this story now and try a monthly subscription here.

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Sources in my Witness Protection Program contributed to this article.  If you are aware of news, memos or emails from any company that needs to be aired out, report information in confidence and anonymously here.  There is a $100 award for best tip of the month.

Or, talk to me privately here.

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