Clear Channel’s Next 7 Shocking Moves

Now we know what’s coming next at Clear Channel.

CEO Bob Pittman becomes Chairman of the Board in a few months and has all the power he needs to disrupt the company.

Here are the next 7 steps but they are not what you think they are – even more drastic and shocking.

A shakeup – a break up – and a makeup. 

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If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. For the first time, see which largest and quickest cost-cutting layoffs will be targeted to set the table.
  2. What Pittman is likely to sell – and when – to reduce the $20 billion debt that saddles Clear Channel.
  3. Carnac sees a buyer for some very valuable Clear Channel assets – which ones and where.
  4. What about iHeartRadio and Premium Choice?
  5. Which exit plan does Pittman have in mind because it’s sure not going be business as usual anymore.

Click “read more” below for the answers.

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