Big February Announcement From iHeart


Can’t Bob Pittman and Rich Bressler even make it through the first quarter without a shakeup?

Sources close to iHeartMedia tell us two things.

One, that layoffs continue every day of the week under the radar and the not so watchful eye of the happy talk radio trade press.

Two, that iHeart is preparing a 5 megaton announcement in February that will most certainly alter the path for the company and affect every competitor in every market where they compete.

Among the 6 most likely possibilities:

  • The firing of a major domo
  • The biggest, craziest cost-cutting move they’ve ever tried
  • This Hail Mary to save the company from bankruptcy
  • Something scary and awful that has to do with the hiring of Marc Chase

With only weeks to go, I’ll tell you which one I think it is.

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