Audacy on the Clock

Don’t buy the hype -- Audacy didn’t just skip an $18 million interest payment to facilitate restructuring their debt, there’s a better reason … 

What’s going on here?  You can’t believe Audacy but there is now clear evidence of what they are up to with this move.

You’ll read thoughts on …

  • Does skipping payments presage the end or the beginning?
  • If you want to know exactly when this either gets resolved once and for all or hits the bankruptcy courts, it’s now all as clear as can be.
  • Remember how I’ve stressed that Audacy hired the same bankruptcy advisors that Cumulus used before filing – based on that, here’s what will happen.
  • We will get into the exact date of a bankruptcy or pre-packaged deal and tell you which one it will be – and you can take that to the bank.

The answers start here 

Click to read: Potential Buyer Awaits Audacy BankruptcyNew SiriusXMWhat’s Stalling the Audacy ReorganizationIs Radio Ready for a Comeback?Younger Demos Want These Radio ChangesSurge Pricing for RadioStupid On-Air AI TricksHow Nielsen is Killing Audience GainsiHeart Fast-tracking AI at StationsBlocking TikTok’s Knockout Punch to RadioThe Stakes in Audacy Bankruptcy Talks

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