I’m not buying that the radio business has to post a 1% or more decline again when 2015 is finished.
Maybe for Cumulus, iHeart and their followers, but not for good broadcasters caught in the middle of some of their desperate tactics.
What if we put together a handful of things that actually work to increase revenue by 4% for stations that are passionately pursuing positive revenue gains this year?
- Separate digital from on-air sales – The evidence is that digital is killing spot rates because buyers (and worse yet desperate stations) are using digital bonuses and give backs to get their rates down. That’s the wrong direction. There is a simple adjustment you’re going to like.
- More Things To Sell At Premium Prices – What if I told you I had a list of 6 innovative sources of new revenue that no radio station has figured out yet. You can be the first because I’m going to explain each one of them.
- A New Morning Show Feature That Will Start a Bidding War -- I’m going to suggest you stop selling the same lame morning show features that listeners can get quicker on their smartphones and start a bidding war over one that you’re not going to want a competitor to beat you to.
- Selling Radio More Effectively To a Local TV Station – Who knew? Right across the street is a TV station that needs radio’s help and is willing to pay a premium for this genius idea already at work in a major market. You’ll hear an actual case study that worked so well late last year that the TV station renewed it again this past February – at premium prices.
- Start a Second Revenue Stream For Short-Form Video – This has nothing to do with what’s on your air but everything to do with your skills as a local content creator. All you need is an iPhone 6 and a plan to sell product placements and it is likely you will net more additional revenue than you currently earn from digital.
- Tempt Your 10 Biggest Advertisers – They have more money to spend and already like your station and radio. The lure to get them to increase their spend is something you can start doing right now.
You can’t do these things without having your annual revenue increase and it doesn’t matter what your competitors do or whether media buyers are earmarking a certain percentage of their radio budgets to digital – you automatically come out ahead. I say, at least 4% ahead of last year.
This one-day seminar is not available on tape or stream.
Just in person March 18th at the Hub Conference Center in Philly in less than one week from today.
Examine the 13 modules that make up the curriculum here.
Inquire about group rates here.
Here’s the Agenda:
Wednesday, March 18, 2015
8:00 am Registration / Complimentary Breakfast
9:00 am Current State of the Radio Industry
Short Attention Spans & Radio
Solutions to Commercial Clutter
Listen Longer Strategies
Eliminating Radio’s 3 Biggest Objections
Selling Against Competitors Who Cut Rates
10:30 am Break
10:45 am Ways To Compete with Online Content
What Millennials Want From Radio
8 Millennial Mistakes You Don’t Want To Make
Available Radio Listeners
12 Noon Complimentary Lunch
1:00 pm How To Attract Millions To Your Website (Laurie Cantillo interview)
2:15 pm Break
2:30 pm Innovative Sources of New Radio Revenue
Telling Stories – the New Spoken Word
Why You Should Pass On Podcasting
Radio’s Potent New Competitor
Listener Engagement More Than Ratings
3:30 pm Audience Q & A
4:00 pm Conference Concludes
Here are program details:
- Attracting More Website Visits. WTOP in DC does 2 million every month and 31.8 million page views. So we’re bringing PD Laurie Cantillo in to sit with us and discuss. We can question here together.
- Solutions to Commercial Clutter. Look, running 8-minutes of unlistenable commercials every hour is a suicide wish. I know, they pay the bills. I’m going to present you with 11 ways to make this problem get better.
- How Much Radio, How Much Digital. I can tell you right now I am going to show you the digital initiatives that have no payoff. But you’ll be impressed by the few that do and you’re going to want to jump on them. One costs under $1,000 and is pretty impressive.
- Listen Longer Strategies. Radio TSL has been dropping every year since the early 1990s. This calls for disrupting the way we build our hot clocks. I’m going to show you how to throw that hourly clock out and replace it with something better.
- Eliminating 2015’s 3 Biggest Listener Objections. Outdated morning shows, too many commercials and repetitious music. Do even one thing on these three listener objections and you’re ahead of the market.
- Effective Ways To Compete With On-Demand Content. I am going to play dirty with Millennials developing content they cannot possibly resist about employment, college loans, themselves. We can do this – as you will see.
- What Millennials Want From Radio. This list has seven things on it and I can tell you I live by this list every day whether I am talking to Millennials or not.
- Selling Against Programmatic Buying. This is essentially bidding down rates so it’s time to have an action plan to combat it. How to walk from a deal that media buyers ruined by bidding down the rate on a competitor. The secret to getting longer term contracts. A few very smart stations are way ahead of the industry on this.
- Start Your Own Short-Form Video Business. Digital shouldn’t be an add-on to what you do on the air. Do the best on-air radio you can possibly do and a separate stream of revenue from the hottest digital project ever. Let me play some short-form videos for you that are being done by young people who are making more money than most stations do from all their digital initiatives.
- Beyond Clicks – Listener Engagement. Social media is changing rapidly from mass audience to small groups of participants. Radio must rethink using social media to promote what’s on the air. It’s a waste. Let’s talk about what your listeners who “like” you really want. Which social media site is ascending at the pace of YouTube?
- Telling Stories – the New Spoken Word Radio. You don’t have to run a talk station to cash in on storytelling. And it is highly saleable.
- Why You Should Take a Pass On Podcasting. Podcasting is another form of talk radio. It may appeal to Gen Xers and Baby Boomers but it sure hasn’t made any real money. Ask me about storytelling and how it could find its way onto your station – even a music station. Especially, a music station.
- 8 Millennial Mistakes You Don’t Want To Make. There are 95 million Millennials out there – the largest generation ever, even larger than the Baby Boom generation. Here are the 7 things Millennials want most from radio.
Inquire about group rates here.
Look through the online program brochure here.
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