Instagram Killing Facebook

If you’re relying on Facebook to reach audiences and build lists, you’re using something that is fast becoming passé.

Don’t turn to media experts, just look to your kids.

Instagram not Facebook.

Facebook is fast becoming just a digital photo album.

Instagram is the next iteration of Facebook, which by comparison looks so primitive.  Fortunately for Facebook that they spent a billion to buy Instagram.  Now watch them ruin it with advertising.

My point is that digital is so volatile – it even rhymes so it should be easy to remember and we’d do well to remember it. 

And social is so trendy, it is in one minute and out the next and yet content providers are getting slammed because they can’t figure it out.

Facebook is only ten years old and now your 25th class reunion has discovered it.  That’s death to social media for all practical purposes.

SnapChat is the next thing driven by teenagers’ propensity for sending nude pictures of themselves on the service that are only visible for up to ten seconds and then, theoretically, destroy themselves.

We’re losing focus on what is important which is content.

It doesn’t matter how many social sites come along, we need to be on the right ones.

It doesn’t matter how many digital delivery systems come into favor, we need to be available through the most popular sites.

What is not negotiable is creating excellent content but radio is dropping the ball on this, which is not only not helpful but potentially fatal.

The change of focus should be strengthening the content and being an expert at new delivery systems and changing social media preferences.

I’m delving into this at my upcoming media conference in Philadelphia.  You’ll be dangerous when you leave.

Understanding Social Media

  • Replace Facebook as your go-to social network with this hot media site (in fact, why you should never even mention “Facebook” on the air from now on).
  • Disturbing new research on Twitter (beware if you are banking on it)
  • The 2 hottest new social networks you want to be part of
  • Easy ways to utilize texting more effectively
  • Latest intelligence on social networking to build audiences (we’re actually getting it wrong)
  • The killer social network every station should start if they want influence and monetization
  • More on how email and Internet search is selling far more product than social media – and how to take advantage of this trend.

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Act to book an on-site room at The Rittenhouse Hotel while still available at special conference rates.  Breakfast, lunch and all breaks included.  This event will not be available by stream or video – only live and in person.