CBS Bombshell Coming

Is the CBS bombshell the sale of 1/3 of all their stations?

That, too!

I believe CBS is not long for the radio business not based on what Les Moonves is saying publicly but what CBS employees are revealing privately.

Here is the latest I am hearing from the ground about secret things from sources within CBS causing real concern for their future.

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If you’ve been thinking about subscribing and would like to access this story, let me tell you what you will get.

  1. Draconian cuts coming to CBS stations not being shopped – rolling firings, they’re not even layoffs. Worse.
  2. Thousands of sellers are about to have their pockets picked again by corporate.       You’re the first to know. Here’s how it will work.
  3. Why even Cumulus sellers are refusing to cross the street and work for CBS Radio now.
  4. The CBS plan to deal with the program director’s job from now on.
  5. The way CBS Radio is taking down their competitors as they slice and dice their way out of the radio business.

The answers start here.

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